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Annual Plan for Implementation of the Portion of Technical Reserve for Costs of Institutional Infrastructure


This project contemplates the planning of the expenses of the Technical Reserve for Institutional Research Infrastructure of the Faculty of Dentistry of Araraquara (UNESP) for the year 2021. The Plan for the Application of Resources was prepared with the consensus of the members of the Permanent Research Commission and approved by the Permanent Administration Committee. It is intended, through it, to carry out the acquisitions and services necessary for the advancement of research in our Institution, benefiting the greatest possible number of researchers from our community. This year, we are including itens such as autoclave and nobreak for a clinic and a research equipment (respectively), repairs to various equipment (laminar flow, confocal microscope, biological safety equipment) and provision for repairs to equipment and air conditioners in all the research environments of the Faculty, as well as the air conditioning units of the vivarium. (AU)

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