Research Grants 21/01067-8 - Nanopartículas, Materiais nanoestruturados - BV FAPESP
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Large eddy simulation and composition modeling of the flame spray pyrolysis nanoparticle production


Special attention has been given to inorganic nanomaterials worldwide due to their unique characteristics desirable in several areas, such as catalysis, pigmentation, pharmaceuticals, food, and others. The flame spray pyrolysis (FSP) process has the potential to produce nanoparticles with high purity and a narrow size distribution range, efficiently and at lower costs, when compared to other techniques. Starting from low-cost precursors, the FSP process is capable of producing fine powders of metallic oxides at a size range between 1 and 200 nm. A comprehensive understanding of this process is crucial for its scale up and the production of new materials and, therefore, validated mathematical models are essential. Previous studies have been able to provide results regarding the flame temperature or even particle size distribution by the coupling with population balance models (PBM). However, the process complexity is far from described. Increasing the turbulent resolution is one of the first steps to obtain a more accurate mathematical description. Secondly, the extension for multicomponent nanoparticle production by double flame arrangements still lacks a mathematical description which can provide information about particle composition. The main goal of this project is to address these two challenges with the aid of CFD techniques coupled to multivariate PBM, focusing on open source codes. A systematic analysis of process parameter dependency and solution methods for the population balance equation is also intended. This proposal continues a line of research at the School of Chemical Engineering (FEQ) of the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), regarding synthesis and application of metal oxide nanoparticles, and strengthen the relationship between this school and the University of Bremen, in Germany. At the end of this project, publications in international journals and conference proceedings are expected. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
NETO, PEDRO BIANCHI; BUSS, LIZOEL; STODT, MALTE F. B.; FRITSCHING, UDO; NORILER, DIRCEU. Modeling the thermophoretic impact on nanoparticle production in an enclosed FSP reactor. APPLICATIONS IN ENERGY AND COMBUSTION SCIENCE, v. 15, p. 13-pg., . (20/08502-9, 21/01067-8)

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