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Multi-dimensional analysis of language, discourse and society

Grant number: 22/05848-7
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Duration: February 01, 2023 - January 31, 2028
Field of knowledge:Linguistics, Literature and Arts - Linguistics - Applied Linguistics
Principal Investigator:Antonio Paulo Berber Sardinha
Grantee:Antonio Paulo Berber Sardinha
Host Institution: Faculdade de Filosofia, Comunicação, Letras e Artes. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Elisabeth Brait ; Sandra Madureira
Associated researchers: Adriana Picoral ; Alexandre Trigo Veiga ; Amanda Clare Murphy ; Ana Eliza Pereira Bocorny ; Andressa Cristinne Arrelias Costa ; Carlos Henrique Kauffmann ; Deise Prina Dutra ; Douglas Edward Biber ; Ednalvo Apostolo Campos ; Eduardo Batista da Silva ; Francesca Poli ; Isobelle Clarke ; Jesse Egbert ; Joseph Collentine ; Marc Kupietz ; Marcia Veirano Pinto ; Maria Claudia Nunes Delfino ; Marilisa Shimazumi ; Mark McGlashan ; Patrícia Pereira Bértoli ; Paula Tavares Pinto ; Pierfranca Forchini ; Rafael Fonseca de Araujo ; Randi Reppen ; Robert Edward Poole ; Simone Sarmento ; Simone Vieira Resende ; Susan Conrad ; Tove Larsson ; Valentina Morgana
Associated scholarship(s):24/13718-1 - Multidimensional Analysis of socially relevant issues for the contemporary world -- Inclusive Language Guides: A Multidimensional Perspective, BP.DR
23/11070-1 - Multidimensional acoustic-phonetic analysis of identical twins and non-genetically related subjects: implications for the forensic speaker comparison in different dialects and speaking styles, BP.PD


The world today is marked by the rapid and continuous expansion of forms of communication, and at the same time, by the increasing availability of technologies capable of handling large amounts of linguistic, visual, and audio data. However, in linguistics, the use of methods handling small amounts of data is prevalent. To fill this gap, we propose the employment, improvement, and expansion of Multidimensional Analysis (Berber Sardinha, 2000; Berber Sardinha & Veirano Pinto, 2014b, 2019; Biber, 1988, 1995; Biber & Conrad, 2001), thereby making it a comprehensive approach that encompasses register variation, discourse, and multimodality. The project comprises an extensive network of researchers in Brazil and abroad, including three major axes: (1) Development and improvement of innovative methodologies and resources for multidimensional analysis; (2) Multidimensional description of register variation in various languages and domains; and (3) Multidimensional identification of discourses around socially relevant issues for the contemporary world. The subprojects in each axis will achieve goals such as developing an innovative computational tool; creating objective parameters for corpus design; developing and improving multidimensional methodologies for linguistic, discourse and multimodal analysis; multidimensional description of register variation in diverse languages and domains, such as contemporary English and German, social networks, television, cinema, music, video games, literature, academia, education, politics and art, in English and in Portuguese; mono and multidimensional discourses analysis around issues such as sustainability, climate change, pandemic, infodemic, prejudice, misinformation, hate speech, and religion. (AU)

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