Grant number: | 22/11369-4 |
Support Opportunities: | Regular Research Grants |
Field of knowledge: | Health Sciences - Collective Health - Public Health |
Principal Investigator: | Aurea Maria Zöllner Ianni |
Grantee: | Aurea Maria Zöllner Ianni |
Host Institution: | Faculdade de Saúde Pública (FSP). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil |
Associated researchers: | Helton Saragor de Souza ; Livia Gonzaga Moura ; Maria Izabel Sanches Costa ; Ricardo de Lima Jurca ; Rodrigo Meirelles ; THIAGO MARQUES LEÃO |
This project is part of the Social and Human Sciences in Health, a Public Health scientific field in Brazil. The project works with the premise that epistemological conflicts are also political, together with the need for intellectual work beyond disciplinary boundaries. Additionally, transformations within the social sciences themselves are necessary for more engagement in the production of new knowledge. These premises are intrinsically related to the problem we propose to explore; that is, to understand the relationships between definition and decision regarding health risks in the contemporary context. Acknowledging Ulrich Beck's theory of the risk society, this study comprises that "theoretical uncertainty" corresponds to "practical uncertainty"(1:12), that is, the accumulation of the power of the technological-economic progress becomes increasingly overshadowed by the production of risks. At the core of the risk society are "produced uncertainties". In this way, risk definition and decision relationships are fundamental, as they comprise human-led decisions about fabricated uncertainties. Definitions and decisions about risks are, therefore, a historical-social fact that has been widely discussed in the Public Health area(2).Latour(3) emphasizes that the material dimension of social practices, actions and policies are generally underexplored in social sciences studies: things, objects, technologies, and the power dynamics they carry along. For him, it is no longer possible to maintain the differentiation between the human action and the material causality in a such categorical way, precisely because this differentiation produces inertia, durability, asymmetries, extension and domination in power relations and social inequalities.This project aims to explore the intrinsic logic of the risk society that replaces and reproduces, to a large extent, the inertia, durability, asymmetry and extension of the definition and decision-making relationships of the first modernity (the modern industrial society) through practices, actions and social policies that encourage a certain permanence of the epistemological, political, socio-cultural and technical-scientific landmarks of the first modernity . This project acknowledges that such permanence may inform and conform norms and institutions in the health area, specifically the field of Collective Health in Brazil, which is a scientific, practical and political field that formulates and operates public health policies involving risk definition and decision relationships.We finally seek to problematize the definition and decision relationships on health risks in the contemporary context through a double methodological approach(4). First, a theoretical-empirical dimension consists in further exploring the literature in the social theory, social and human sciences areas and health, focusing on the major themes of the project. Second, a more empirical-thematic dimension refers to carrying out nine subprojects articulated into five themes: uses of Artificial Intelligence in health; production of scientific discourse on health - technoscience and society, health risk, and burns and scalds; primary health care - work process and the risk society; psychological distress among university students, individualization and risk; didactic-pedagogical strategies in elementary education in the context of a risk society and post-pandemic.References1.Beck, U. Sociedade de Risco. Rumo a uma outra modernidade [Risk Society: towards a new modernity]. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2010. 2.Latour, B. Reensamblar lo social. Uma introducción a la teoria del actor-red. Buenos Aires: Manantial, 2008. 3.Ayres, J. R. de C. M. Sobre o risco: para compreender a epidemiologia. São Paulo: HUCITEC, 1997.4.Minayo, M. C. de S. O desafio do conhecimento: pesquisa qualitativa em saúde. São Paulo: HUCITEC; Rio de Janeiro: ABRASCO, 1994. (AU)
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