Research and Innovation: Force platform with controlled biaxial rotation to training and analysis of elderly through posturography
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Force platform with controlled biaxial rotation to training and analysis of elderly through posturography

Grant number: 23/17734-9
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Biomedical Engineering
Principal Investigator:André Roberto Fernandes da Silva
Grantee:André Roberto Fernandes da Silva
CNAE: Fabricação de equipamentos e aparelhos elétricos não especificados anteriormente
Desenvolvimento e licenciamento de programas de computador customizáveis
Atividades profissionais, científicas e técnicas não especificadas anteriormente
City: Suzano
Associated researchers: Silvia Regina Matos da Silva Boschi
Associated scholarship(s):24/16097-8 - Design and modeling of UX and UI for a computerized system for data collection of a force platform with biaxial rotation, BP.TT
24/18591-0 - Development of a PoC of a mechanical system to control the angular movement of a force platform., BP.TT
24/14216-0 - Force platform with controlled biaxial rotation to training and analysis of elderly through posturography, BP.PIPE


Balance is a crucial factor in everyday life that provides security to individuals. The balance loss is associated with physical and mental degradation related to senility. In the elderly, the assessment of the loading and unloading mechanism may indicate a greater risk of falls (RUBIRA et al., 2014). According to the WHO (2010), between 28% and 35% of elderly people over 65 years old suffer falls, increasing to 32% to 42% in people over 70 years old, making injuries resulting from falls in elderly people a public health problem. These injuries are one of the main causes of pain, disability, loss of independence, and premature death, leading to frequent hospitalizations in Brazil. To address this issue, the use of rotating force platforms is effective in studying dynamic postural balance and motor control. However, many of these platforms analyze balance statically or focus only on Center of Pressure (CP) displacement data or use surface electromyography (EMG), not fully taking advantage of different variables and interventions over time. This project aims to evaluate the feasibility of a bipedal force platform with controlled biaxial (lateral-lateral and anteroposterior) rotation, correlating CP data with surface EMG to obtain a more in-depth understanding of balance in the elderly. To this end, an electromechanical and electronic control system will be developed to control the platform, and functional tests will be conducted to verify its usability in training and evaluating postural balance. The ultimate goal is to present a versatile device for training and evaluating postural balance at different skill levels. This device would integrate the portfolio of solutions focused on the healthcare area, which is the company's DNA, expanding the company's marketing reach. One of the main features expected at the end of this development would be a device capable of capturing biological signals such as EMG simultaneously with the calculation of variables related to dynamic balance, generating more assertive diagnoses and treatments. (AU)

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