Research Grants 24/15395-5 - Materiais quânticos, Perovskita - BV FAPESP
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First principles studies of surfaces and interfaces in quantum materials and materials for energy


The activities to be carried out at the Physics Institute of the University of São Paulo (IFUSP) involve the execution of work that is within the scope of the Thematic Research Project "Materials by design: from quantum materials to energy applications", in collaboration with researchers from UFABC and CNPEM. In a first stage, we will focus on the following topics related to interfaces and surfaces: electronic and structural properties of metallic/perovskite interfaces and surfaces; quantum confinement in 2D perovskites; insulator-topological/metal and insulator-trivial/metal interfaces and promote theoretical support for experimental characterization activities through atomistic first-principles simulations. In parallel, we will begin other related work, within the Thematic Project, maintaining long-term collaboration. In addition to research activities and collaboration with researchers from other institutions, visits to other research centers/groups and seminars, we will emphasize interaction with students (undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral students) involved in the Project. We believe that the execution of the actions proposed here will contribute both to the success of the Thematic Project and to the training of metallic human resources in the area of ¿¿Materials Science. (AU)

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