Gauge Theories for gravitation: foundations and cosmological applications
A search for the improvement of the coupling of gravity to matter in the Spin-foam...
Grant number: | 02/00222-9 |
Support Opportunities: | Research Projects - Thematic Grants |
Field of knowledge: | Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Elementary Particle Physics and Fields |
Principal Investigator: | Dmitri Maximovitch Guitman |
Grantee: | Dmitri Maximovitch Guitman |
Host Institution: | Instituto de Física (IF). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil |
Pesquisadores principais: | Bruto Max Pimentel Escobar ; Gil da Costa Marques ; Jeferson de Lima Tomazelli |
Associated research grant(s): | 07/59178-2 - Igor Viktorovich Tyutin | Lebedev Physical Institute - Rússia,
AV.EXT 06/55530-0 - Serguei Gavrilov | Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia - Russia, AV.EXT 05/54488-8 - Boris Voronov | Lebedev Physical Institute - Rússia, AV.EXT 03/08758-8 - Vladislav Gavrilovich Bagrov | Tomsk State University - Rússia, AV.EXT |
Associated scholarship(s): | 02/00423-4 - Problems of lagragian and Hamiltonian BRST quantization of Gauge theories, BP.PD |
Quantum field theory (QFT) still is the most grounded and elaborated microscopic theory of elementary particles and their interactions. The attention to string theory and hopes related to such a theory as an unified theory of all the interactions, including gravity, do not mean that QFT is completely exhausted at present, that all the principal problem of QFT are already solved, and no reserves for futures development left. To the contrary, now the string theory and QFT coexist and complement each other very fruitfully. Methods and ideas of QFT are widely used in both in string theory and in condense matter physics. In that respect, studying proper and relevant problems in QFT we mar at the same time contribute significantly to the progress of the above mentioned theories. In the present project we plane to study problems of QFT in three following directions: 1) QFT in external backgrounds; 2)quantization problems and general theory of constrained (especially gauge) systems; 3) description of higher spins in relativistic quantum theory. (AU)
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