Research Grants 99/12684-2 - Sítios arqueológicos, Sambaquis - BV FAPESP
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Archaeological and geophysical investigations in fluvial sambaquis of the Valley of the Ribeira de Iguape, State of São Paulo


This project integrates two investigation perspectives around a same theme. The archaeological sites known as fluvial sambaquis in the basin of the river Ribeira de Iguape, south of the State of São Paulo. On a side, the archaeological interest in the chronology and in the structural and cultural characteristics peculiar of these sites relatively rare and dispersed in the valley of the Ribeira, with emphasis in the processes of formation of the archaeological registre, taphonomy, faunal and bioanthropological analyses. On other hand, the geophysical focus in the development of a methodology of research - using magnetometrics, gama-spectrometrics and of georadar methods, focused to the maping, investigation and elucidation of archaeological complex contexts without intensive interventions in the field. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
POSTH, COSIMO; NAKATSUKA, NATHAN; LAZARIDIS, IOSIF; SKOGLUND, PONTUS; MALLICK, SWAPAN; LAMNIDIS, THISEAS C.; ROHLAND, NADIN; NAEGELE, KATHRIN; ADAMSKI, NICOLE; BERTOLINI, EMILIE; et al. Reconstructing the Deep Population History of Central and South America. Cell, v. 175, n. 5, p. 1185+, . (04/01321-6, 04/11038-0, 99/12684-2, 17/16451-2)
ALVES NEVES, WALTER; OKUMURA, MARIA MERCEDES M.; GONZÁLEZ-JOSÉ, ROLANDO; FIGUTI, LEVY; EGGERS, SABINE; BLASIS, PAULO ANTONIO DANTAS DE; HUBBE, MARK OLIVER ROHRIG. A new early Holocene human skeleton from Brazil: implications for the settlement of the New World. Journal of Human Evolution, v. 48, n. 4, p. 403-411, . (98/14254-2, 99/00670-7, 99/12684-2)

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