Research Grants 09/54660-6 - Tubarões, DNA mitocondrial - BV FAPESP
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DNA mitochondrial sequence analysis for genetic population and molecular identification assessment of economically important pelagic fish species landed in fishery ports of State of São Paulo coast


Economically important pelagic fishes such as sharks and billfishes have been caught and landed in the fishery ports of state of São Paulo coast mainly from the commercial and artisanal fishing vessels. At present, the amount of these fishes represents 49% of the total landed. The assessment and control of fish landing depend on the correct identification of the species which is a problem since sharks and billfishes are processed immediately on the fishing vessel, with the fins, head, tail and guts removed. As molecular markers were developed from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA using PCR methodology, quick and low cost species identification have been possible through minimal amounts of tissue samples analysis. The present proposal aims at by RFLP-PCR to develop a tool for molecular identification of billfish species of the genus Tetrapturus and sharks of the genus Carcharhinus landed in fishery ports of State of São Paulo coast. Furthermore, possible population genetic differences will be evaluated among populations of two billfish species (Tetrapturus pfluegeri e T. georgii) and two species of sharks (Carcharhinus longimanus e C. falciformis). To achieve these two main goals, RFLP-PCR of three mitochondrial genes will be tested: Cox 1, RNAr 16s e Cit b to produce species-specific DNA band patterns, and the mitochondrial D-Loop region will be sequenced to evaluate intra and interpopulation genetic differentiation. Sampling will be carried out during one year with the collaboration of Dr. Alberto Amorim of the Instituto de Pesca - Santos. The results from the present proposal can be used to create more effective management plans to protect these species by collecting reliable, species-specific catch data which is important for these resource preservation and vital to all those who depend on this fishery. (AU)

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Scientific publications (4)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
DOMINGUES, RODRIGO R.; OKUDA, GABRIEL; BERNARD, ANDREA M.; AMORIM, ALBERTO F.; DE BIASI, JULIANA; HILSDORF, ALEXANDRE W. S.. A DNA tool for the identification of heavily exploited Atlantic billfishes. CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES, v. 7, n. 4, p. 807-809, . (09/54660-6)
BERNARD, ANDREA M.; SHIVJI, MAHMOOD S.; DOMINGUES, RODRIGO RODRIGUES; VIEIRA HAZIN, FABIO HISSA; DE AMORIM, ALBERTO FERREIRA; DOMINGO, ANDRES; AROCHA, FREDDY; PRINCE, ERIC D.; HOOLIHAN, JOHN P.; SILVA HILSDORF, ALEXANDRE WAGNER. Broad geographic distribution of roundscale spearfish (Tetrapturus georgii) (Teleostei, Istiophoridae) in the Atlantic revealed by DNA analysis: Implications for white marlin and roundscale spearfish management. Fisheries Research, v. 139, p. 93-97, . (09/54660-6)
DA SILVA FERRETTE, BRUNO LOPES; DOMINGUES, RODRIGO RODRIGUES; FREGADOLLI USSAMI, LUIS HENRIQUE; MORAES, LETICIA; MAGALHAES, CAROLINA DE OLIVEIRA; DE AMORIM, ALBERTO FERREIRA; SILVA HILSDORF, ALEXANDRE WAGNER; OLIVEIRA, CLAUDIO; FORESTI, FAUSTO; MENDONCA, FERNANDO FERNANDES. DNA-based species identification of shark finning seizures in Southwest Atlantic: implications for wildlife trade surveillance and law enforcement. BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION, v. 28, n. 14, p. 4007-4025, . (11/23787-0, 17/02420-8, 09/54660-6)
DOMINGUES, RODRIGO RODRIGUES; SILVA HILSDORF, ALEXANDRE WAGNER; FAZZANO GADIG, OTTO BISMARCK. The importance of considering genetic diversity in shark and ray conservation policies. CONSERVATION GENETICS, v. 19, n. 3, p. 501-525, . (09/54660-6, 13/08675-7)

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