Acquisition of a luminescence dating system and a precision microsampler for the study of environmental changes in the Quaternary period
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Acquisition of a luminescence dating system and a precision microsampler for the study of environmental changes in the Quaternary period

Grant number: 09/53988-8
Support Opportunities:Multi-user Equipment Program
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Geosciences - Geology
Principal Investigator:Paulo César Fonseca Giannini
Grantee:Paulo César Fonseca Giannini
Host Institution: Instituto de Geociências (IGC). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
As informações de acesso ao Equipamento Multiusuário são de responsabilidade do Pesquisador responsável
EMU web page: Página do Equipamento Multiusuário não informada
Type of equipment: Tipo de Equipamento Multiusuário não informado
Manufacturer: Fabricante não informado
Model: Modelo não informado


We propose the installation of a system for optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, which employs the single aliquot regeneration (SAR) protocol, and the acquisition of a microsampler (micromill) for the collection of samples at the sub-micron scale, with visual control. The OSL-SAR dating system consists of a germanium detector, an automated luminescence reader with a beta radiation source, an accessory for single-grain OSL measurements with a green laser, and a gas exhaust hood for sample preparation. The microsampler consists of a tungsten carbide drill coupled to an optical microscope with an automated, referenced stage. The main goal of this request is to deeper integrate the research into environmental changes during the Quaternary Period, emphasizing the use of the microsampler for high-precision isotopic analysis of microstratigraphic successions in carbonate materials, as well as focusing on implementation of the single-grain OSL-SAR method, for dating of terrigenous sedimentation events, in Brazil. The correlation of the geochronological results which will be obtained by different methods, for both carbonate and terrigenous materials, will represent an unprecedented advance in research regarding environmental changes during the Quaternary Period in Brazil. The acquisition of the OSL-SAR system will fill a gap in the Brazilian field of geosciences, in terms of analytical methods. Despite the fact that the USP Institute of Geosciences (the petitioner) is the most well-equipped and active geochronology research center in Latin America, neither it nor any other institution in Brazil possesses equipment for dating Quaternary terrigenous sediment, combining precision with the capacity of meeting the needs of a large number of users. We plan to explore various other potential geosciences applications of the requested equipment. The microsampler will be applied in ultraprecise collection of samples from rocks, fossils, and archaeological materials in general, regardless of age or nature. The spectrometer will also be employed for the analysis of provenance and stratigraphic correlation in rocks of any age, with potential use for environmental radiation measurements. (AU)

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Scientific publications (14)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
ZULAR, ANDRE; SAWAKUCHI, ANDRE O.; GUEDES, CARLOS C. F.; GIANNINI, PAULO C. F.. Attaining provenance proxies from OSL and TL sensitivities: Coupling with grain size and heavy minerals data from southern Brazilian coastal sediments. Radiation Measurements, v. 81, n. SI, p. 39-45, . (09/54232-4, 09/53988-8)
PUPIM, FABIANO DO NASCIMENTO; ASSINE, MARIO LUIS; SAWAKUCHI, ANDRE OLIVEIRA. Late Quaternary Cuiaba megafan, Brazilian Pantanal: Channel patterns and paleoenvironmental changes. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, v. 438, n. A, p. 108-125, . (14/23334-4, 14/06889-2, 09/53988-8)
MENDES, VINICIUS R.; SAWAKUCHI, ANDRE O.; CHIESSI, CRISTIANO M.; GIANNINI, PAULO C. F.; REHFELD, KIRA; MULITZA, STEFAN. Thermoluminescence and Optically Stimulated Luminescence Measured in Marine Sediments Indicate Precipitation Changes Over Northeastern Brazil. PALEOCEANOGRAPHY AND PALEOCLIMATOLOGY, v. 34, n. 8, p. 1476-1486, . (13/21942-4, 18/15123-4, 09/53988-8)
PUPIM, FABIANO DO NASCIMENTO; SAWAKUCHI, ANDRE OLIVEIRA; MINELI, THAYS DESIRE; NOGUEIRA, LUCIANA. Evaluating isothermal thermoluminescence and thermally transferred optically stimulated luminescence for dating of Pleistocene sediments in Amazonia. QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY, v. 36, p. 28-37, . (09/53988-8, 12/50260-6, 14/23334-4)
VINÍCIUS RIBAU MENDES; PAULO CÉSAR FONSECA GIANNINI; CARLOS CONFORTI FERREIRA GUEDES; REGINA DEWITT; HELENA ASMAR DE ABREU ANDRADE. Cronologia dos campos de dunas da costa central catarinense e a influência do nível relativo do mar e das mudanças climáticas. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 45, p. 79-95, . (09/54232-4, 09/53988-8)
MENDES, VINICIUS RIBAU; FONSECA GIANNINI, PAULO CESAR. Coastal dunefields of south Brazil as a record of climatic changes in the South American Monsoon System. Geomorphology, v. 246, p. 22-34, . (09/54232-4, 09/53988-8)
PUPIM, FABIANO DO NASCIMENTO; ASSINE, MARIO LUIS; SAWAKUCHI, ANDRE OLIVEIRA. Late Quaternary Cuiaba megafan, Brazilian Pantanal: Channel patterns and paleoenvironmental changes. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, v. 438, p. 18-pg., . (09/53988-8, 14/06889-2, 14/23334-4)
ZULAR, ANDRE; UTIDA, GISELLE; CRUZ, FRANCISCO W.; SAWAKUCHI, ANDRE O.; WANG, HONG; BICEGO, MARCIA; GIANNINI, PAULO C. F.; RODRIGUES, I, SELMA; GARCIA, GUILHERME P. B.; VUILLE, MATHIAS; et al. The effects of mid-Holocene fluvio-eolian interplay and coastal dynamics on the formation of dune-dammed lakes in NE Brazil. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, v. 196, p. 137-153, . (09/54232-4, 09/53988-8)
ZULAR, ANDRE; SAWAKUCHI, ANDRE O.; WANG, HONG; GUEDES, CARLOS C. F.; HARTMANN, GELVAM A.; JAQUETO, PLINIO F.; CHIESSI, CRISTIANO M.; CRUZ, FRANCISCO W.; GIANNINI, PAULO C. F.; DAROS, VINICIUS K.; et al. The response of a dune succession from Lencois Maranhenses, NE Brazil, to climate changes between MIS 3 and MIS 2. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, v. 537, p. 97-111, . (09/53988-8, 09/54232-4)
RODRIGUES, FERNANDA C. G.; GIANNINI, PAULO C. F.; FORNARI, MILENE; SAWAKUCHI, ANDRE O.. Deglacial climate and relative sea level changes forced the shift from eolian sandsheets to dunefields in southern Brazilian coast. Geomorphology, v. 365, . (09/53988-8, 09/54232-4)
ROSSETTI, DILCE DE FATIMA; POLIZEL, SILVIA PALLOTI; LISBOA COHEN, MARCELO CANCELA; RUIZ PESSENDA, LUIZ CARLOS. Late Pleistocene-Holocene evolution of the Doce River delta, southeastern Brazil: Implications for the understanding of wave-influenced deltas. MARINE GEOLOGY, v. 367, p. 171-190, . (07/03615-5, 09/53988-8, 11/00995-7)
ANDRÉ OLIVEIRA SAWAKUCHI; VINICIUS RIBAU MENDES; FABIANO DO NASCIMENTO PUPIM; THAYS DESIREE MINELI; LIGIA MARIA ALMEIDA LEITE RIBEIRO; ANDRE ZULAR; CARLOS CONFORTI FERREIRA GUEDES; PAULO CÉSAR FONSECA GIANNINI; LUCIANA NOGUEIRA; WILLIAM SALLUN FILHO; et al. Datação de sedimentos brasileiros por luminescência opticamente estimulada e termoluminescência isotérmica do quartzo: do Holoceno tardio ao Plioceno?. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 46, p. 209-226, . (14/14433-9, 14/06889-2, 14/23334-4, 13/21942-4, 09/53988-8)
RIBEIRO, L. M. A. L.; SAWAKUCHI, A. O.; WANG, H.; SALLUN FILHO, W.; NOGUEIRA, L.. OSL dating of Brazilian fluvial carbonates (tufas) using detrital quartz grains. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, v. 362, p. 146-156, . (09/53988-8)
ZULAR, ANDRE; SAWAKUCHI, ANDRE O.; GUEDES, CARLOS C. F.; GIANNINI, PAULO C. F.. Attaining provenance proxies from OSL and TL sensitivities: Coupling with grain size and heavy minerals data from southern Brazilian coastal sediments. Radiation Measurements, v. 81, p. 7-pg., . (09/54232-4, 09/53988-8)

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