Research Grants 13/03022-5 - Meios filtrantes, Perda de carga - BV FAPESP
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Performance of filter media: experimental data and computational fluidynamics simulation


The support requested though this application aims at financing Professor Tronville's visit to the Chemical Engineering Department of the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), São Carlos, SP, in 2013. Tronville works at the Energy Department of the Polytechnic of Turin, Turin, Italy. The length of the visit to São Carlos will be 6 weeks. The main goal of the proposed cooperation, which includes Tronville's visit to São Carlos, is to develop, implement and validate a CFD simulation of filter media performance in terms of pressure drop and particulate collection efficiency. In order to be achieved, several other secondary goals need to be pursued: * Obtaining and analyzing Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images of all the media samples; * Determining diameter distributions for all media samples; * Determining binder volume fraction for media samples having binders; * Determining binder form model from SEM images; * Measuring pressure drop and particle capture efficiencies for all media samples; * Using computer code to produce computational domains for all media samples from the experimental characterization of the samples; * Defining and implementing computation procedures for particle capture simulation. The date proposed for the visit is from April 29th to June 07th, 2013. The exact dates can be adapted if necessary, without changing the total duration of 6 weeks. (AU)

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