Research Grants 15/06282-3 - Polímeros condutores - BV FAPESP
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Organic photovoltaic devices: discussion of group work


The investigation of organic solar cells have currently being a trend of the scientific community in the last years. Among the materials employed as active layers for such devices are the conjugated polymers, being the polythiophene derivatives some promising candidates. During the last years, our laboratory has been qualifying personnel and carrying out research in this area, also thanks to a close collaboration with the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (France), being Dr. Hiorns and Dr. Lartigau the key researchers involved in the project. This grant shall give us the ability to bring Dr. Hiorns to visit our facility, which will be a great opportunity to reinforce the collaboration, talk about the ongoing and new projects, and meet new students. Nevertheless, besides the collaboration-related discussions, Dr. Hiorns plans to give open talks to all the interested, and participate as a referee of the PhD defense of the student Maria Luisa Braunger (FAPESP scholarship). (AU)

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