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The work development methodology with RTK bridge to send RTK corrections in precision agriculture

Grant number: 16/08440-8
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Duration: December 01, 2016 - February 28, 2018
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Geosciences - Geodesy
Principal Investigator:Fernanda Toledo Bastos Guandalini
Grantee:Fernanda Toledo Bastos Guandalini
Host Company:GPS Agrimensora Eireli - EPP
City: São Paulo
Pesquisadores principais:
Marcos Guandalini
Associated researchers:Danilo Aparecido Rodrigues


This project proposes the creation of a new working method in precision agriculture, but precisely as regards the use of autopilots for the automation of the stages of planting and sugar cane harvest. The methodology to be developed is based on the use of "RTK Bridge" (RTK BRIDGE) to convert the data NRTK - Network Real Time Kinematic (GSM) for data transmitted via radio UHF. The Agrimensora EIRELI GPS is a company specialized in research and development of Hezolinem equipment group has a center of research and experienced development with recognized professionals, responsible for developing the DataGeosis software surveying and geodesy and the first surveying blog in Brazil ( The CEGAT (Geodesic Center Alezi Teodolini) was created in 2003 when started the installation of ERAs (Active reference stations) in São Paulo and later in October 2012, was acquired German software GEO ++, which It enabled the unprecedented deployment in Latin America RTK technique NETWORK (called the work NRTK: Network real time Kinematic) in São Paulo and Minas Gerais, totaling currently 39 ERA in NRTK and 14 ERA in RTK technique / GSM available also in other states of Brazil. The entire investment was financed by the company's own resources. The NRTK technique is already established in North America and Europe, the main barrier to implementation in Brazil is the kind funding directed to the project, education of users and deployment of the new positioning methods generated by the service. . The GPS Agrimensora held a bit of the three tasks in the last three years and it was acquired much experience in this area and it made the technical team glimpsing other applications that could use these high-precision data, hence the idea of applying this in Precision Agriculture. Therefore expected to develop the methodology cited in applications Planting and automatic harvesting of the sugar cane crop. The advantage of using NRTK technique in conjunction with the "RTK Bridge" when compared to traditional methods currently used is to be no longer necessary to build fixed radio tower, the UHF frequency approval from ANATEL and the most important is that RTK Bridge enables the generation of corrections in several navigation message formats used in the transmission of RTK and thus will be possible to transmit RTK corrections for different brands of tractors and agricultural machinery using only existing equipment. Eliminating a current problem today is that the use of multiple GNSS base stations in a particular locality to meet the different marked existing equipment, such as John Deere, Trimble, Topcon, Leica and others. The positive impact and the resulting benefit to agriculture in the state of São Paulo are significant and will bring direct and indirect benefits for the entire value chain involved in the planting and harvesting automation projects. The GPS Agrimensora done, through this project, its mission as a company to bring new products and services to the Brazilian market, generating a direct gain in productivity and financial return to the customer which are the sugar mills and sugarcane suppliers of sugar mills. (AU)

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