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Integrative systematic studies in Neotropical families, with emphasis on Rutaceae, Asteraceae and Rubiaceae


This proposal is focused on the research projects which have been currently developed by the proponent Milton Groppo, their colaborators and their students at Laboratory of Plant Systematics, FFCLRP-USP. The main idea is the understanding of systematics and evolution in an integrative way, which involves alpha taxonomy (such as taxonomic revisions and flora surveys), phylogenetic and biogeographic studies, and ontogeny of leaves. Projects are concentrated in three taxa (families) - Rutaceae, Asteraceae and Rubiaceae. Proposed activities are formatted according to these three main areas, each corresponding to the botanical family with the highest concentration of studies. In the first main area - RUTACEAE - phylogenetic studies based on molecular data focused on Neotropical tribe Galipeeae will be performed, with two sub-tribes Galipeinae and Pilocarpinae, a group of 27 genera and about 150 species. Other taxa that are traditionally placed in other groups of Rutaceae, but nowadays known to be phylogenetically near Galipeeae, as Balfourodendron, Helietta and Hortia, will also be included. The more accurate phylogenetic hypotheses will be used as a basis of studies of the leaf anatomy of groups Galipeinae and Hortia. Finally, in this first main area (Rutaceae) floristic survey focused in Rutaceae will be performed, as the monographs for the flora of the states of Sergipe, Espírito Santo and Bahia. They are also provided for the preparation of the treatment for the Flora of Brazil, in addition to the treatment of Rutaceae for Mesoamerican Flora. A review for the species of Almeidea A.St.Hil., now reduced to synonymy of Conchocarpus J.C.Mikan will also be held. In the second main area - ASTERACEAE - the studies will be focused on the subfamily Barnadesioideaethe sister group of all other Asteraceae. This study aims to investigate the monophyly of the genera in Barnadesioideae and infrageneric relationships in Dasyphyllum, Chuquiraga and barnadesia with the use of molecular data. Phylogenetic hypotheses will be associated with studies of historical biogeography and ancestral areas, diversification and divergence times. The third main area is focused on RUBIACEAE family, with a taxonomic revision of Simira Aubl., a genus with 40-50 species from Central America to northern Argentina. Another genues of the same family, Rudgea Salisb., with ca. 100 species, will be studied, with a synopsis of the genus in Brazil and also a phylogenetic and biogeographic analysis for the group as a whole. Other side projects on flora and floristic surveys will be performed, with samples collected, maximizing the use of resources. In all projects in field samples will be collected for DNA extraction for possible future phylogenetic studies, and possibility new species to science could be described. (AU)

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Scientific publications (22)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
AMANDA SANTOS; ANA EMÍLIA BARROS E SILVA; MILTON GROPPO; MARCELO GUERRA. Molecular cytogenetics of Dictyoloma vandellianum A. Juss. and the ancestral karyotype of Rutaceae. Acta Botanica Brasilica, v. 35, n. 4, p. 582-588, . (06/03170-0, 07/06336-0, 16/06260-2)
APPELHANS, MARC S.; REICHELT, NIKLAS; GROPPO, MILTON; PAETZOLD, CLAUDIA; WEN, JUN. Phylogeny and biogeography of the pantropical genus Zanthoxylum and its closest relatives in the proto-Rutaceae group (Rutaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, v. 126, p. 31-44, . (16/06260-2)
FERREIRA, PAOLA DE LIMA; ANTONELLI, ALEXANDRE; GROPPO, MILTON. Touch me carefully: a step towards understanding morphological diversity in the South American spiny sunflowers (Compositae, Barnadesioideae). PHYTOTAXA, v. 518, n. 2, p. 109-142, . (16/06260-2)
SANTOS, AMANDA; SILVA, ANA EMILIA BARROS E.; GROPPO, MILTON; GUERRA, MARCELO. olecular cytogenetics of Dictyoloma vandellianum A. Juss. and the ancestral karyotype of Rutacea. Acta Botanica Brasilica, v. 35, n. 4, p. 582-588, . (16/06260-2, 07/06336-0, 06/03170-0)
LONDONO-ECHEVERRI, YEISON; TRUJILLO-LOPEZ, ANA MARIA; PEREZ-ZABALA, JORGE ANDRES; GROPPO, MILTON. Conchocarpus kallunkiae (Rutaceae: Galipeinae), a new endemic species from the tropical rainforest in the Magdalena River Valley in Colombia. BRITTONIA, v. 73, n. 4, . (07/06336-0, 16/06260-2, 06/03170-0)
CCANA-CCAPATINTA, GARI V.; FEITAS, JOLINDO A.; MONGE, MARCELO; FERREIRA, PAOLA DE L.; SEMIR, JOAO; GROPPO, MILTON; DA COSTA, FERNANDO B.. Metabolomics and chemophenetics support the new taxonomy circumscription of two South America genera (Barnadesioideae, Asteraceae). PHYTOCHEMISTRY LETTERS, v. 40, p. 89-95, . (16/06260-2, 14/16850-6, 14/26866-7)
GROPPO, MILTON; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS. A new species of Zanthoxylum (Rutaceae) with a key to the species from Northeastern Brazil. PHYTOTAXA, v. 314, n. 2, p. 259-265, . (16/06260-2)
MARGALHO, LUCIANO FERREIRA; SIQUEIRA, GEOVANE DE SOUZA; DELPRETE, PIERO G.; GROPPO, MILTON. Simira robusta (Rubiaceae, Condamineeae), a new species from the Atlantic Rainforest of south-eastern Brazil. PHYTOTAXA, v. 299, n. 1, p. 118-124, . (16/06260-2, 11/10446-0, 06/03170-0)
FERREIRA, CAROLINA; CASTRO, NEUZA MARIA; RODRIGUES, TATIANE MARIA; SEIXAS, DIANA PACHECO; GROPPO, MILTON. Pulvinus or not pulvinus, that is the question: anatomical features of the petiole in the Citrus family (Rutaceae, Sapindales). Rev. bras. Bot., v. 45, n. 1, p. 12-pg., . (16/06260-2)
DE CARVALHO, DANIELLA ROMANO; XIMENES, VALDECIR FARIAS; GROPPO, MILTON; CARDOSO, CARMEN LUCIA. Ligand screening assay for the enzyme kallikrein immobilized on NHS-activated Sepharose. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, v. 199, . (16/06260-2, 14/50249-8, 19/05363-0)
GROPPO, MILTON; AFONSO, LAURA FERNANDES; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS. A review of systematics studies in the Citrus family (Rutaceae, Sapindales), with emphasis on American groups. Rev. bras. Bot., v. 45, n. 1, p. 20-pg., . (16/06260-2)
BRUNIERA, C. A. R. L. A. P.; COSTA, I. D. I. M. A. G.; ZAPPI, D. A. N. I. E. L. A. C.. Rudgea infundibuliformis (Palicoureeae, Rubiaceae), a new species from Southeastern Brazil. PHYTOTAXA, v. 548, n. 1, p. 7-pg., . (11/10446-0, 10/18172-4, 16/06260-2)
GROPPO, MILTON; CAVALCANTE DE LEMOS, LUISA JORIO; FERREIRA, PAOLA DE LIMA; FERREIRA, CAROLINA; BRUNIERA, CARLA POLESELLI; DE CASTRO, NEUZA MARIA; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS; LEITE EL OTTRA, JULIANA HANNA; KALLUNKI, JACQUELYN ANN. A tree nymph of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Dryades (Galipeinae, Rutaceae), a new neotropical genus segregated from Conchocarpus. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, v. 154, . (07/06336-0, 15/09776-7, 14/18002-2, 16/06260-2, 11/10446-0, 06/03170-0)
ALLEVATO, DANIELLA M.; GROPPO, MILTON; KIYOTA, EDUARDO; MAZZAFERA, PAULO; NIXON, KEVIN C.. Evolution of phytochemical diversity in Pilocarpus (Rutaceae). Phytochemistry, v. 163, p. 132-146, . (08/58035-6, 16/06260-2)
GIMENEZ, VALERIA M. M.; ALVARENGA, TAVANE A.; GROPPO, MILTON; A E SILVA, MARCIO L.; CUNHA, WILSON R.; JANUARIO, ANA H.; SMILKSTEIN, MARTIN J.; RISCOE, MICHAEL K.; PAULETTI, PATRICIA M.. Antiplasmodial evaluation of Anacardium occidentale and alkyl-phenols. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE FARMACOGNOSIA-BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOGNOSY, v. 29, n. 1, p. 36-39, . (13/09280-6, 16/06260-2, 16/10313-4, 13/20280-8)
CCANA-CCAPATINTA, V, GARI; FERREIRA, PAOLA L.; GROPPO, MILTON; DA COSTA, FERNANDO B.. Caffeic acid ester derivatives and flavonoids of genus Arnaldoa (Asteraceae, Barnadesioideae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, v. 86, . (16/06260-2, 14/26866-7, 14/16850-6)
ANDRESSA CABRAL; MILTON GROPPO; PEDRO HENRIQUE CARDOSO; LUIZ MENINI NETO; FERNANDA SANTOS-SILVA. Flora do Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais, Brasil: Aquifoliaceae. Rodriguésia, v. 70, . (16/06260-2)
GROPPO, MILTON; COSTA, IDIMA GONCALVES; BRUNIERA, CARLA POLESELLI; FERREIRA, CAROLINA; AFONSO, LAURA; MAEOKA, HELOISA MIDORI; DUTRA, FERNANDA VITORETE; GASPARINO, EDUARDO CUSTODIO; FERREIRA, PAOLA DE LIMA. Rock star flowers: Conchocarpus hendrixii (Galipeinae, Rutaceae), a new species from Eastern Brazil with notes on its phylogenetic position in the genus. PHYTOTAXA, v. 422, n. 1, p. 75-92, . (07/06336-0, 06/03170-0, 16/06260-2)
BRUNIERA, CARLA POLESELLI; KALLUNKI, JACQUELYN A.; SILVA, INES MACHLINE; DA SILVA, CLAUDIA INES; GROPPO, MILTON. A Revision of Conchocarpus with Pantocolporate Pollen Grains: The Almeidea Group (Galipeinae, Rutaceae). SYSTEMATIC BOTANY, v. 46, n. 2, p. 375-388, . (06/03170-0, 07/06336-0, 16/06260-2)
FERREIRA, PAOLA DE LIMA; BATISTA, ROMINA; ANDERMANN, TOBIAS; GROPPO, MILTON; BACON, CHRISTINE D.; ANTONELLI, ALEXANDRE. Target sequence capture of Barnadesioideae (Compositae) demonstrates the utility of low coverage loci in phylogenomic analyses. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, v. 169, p. 12-pg., . (16/06260-2)

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