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Subropical cyclones over South Atlantic Ocean: analysis of dynamic structure of one event

Grant number: 10/03340-9
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Master
Effective date (Start): September 01, 2010
Effective date (End): February 29, 2012
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Geosciences - Meteorology
Principal Investigator:Rosmeri Porfírio da Rocha
Grantee:Lívia Márcia Mosso Dutra
Host Institution: Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas (IAG). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MOSSO DUTRA, LIVIA MARCIA; DA ROCHA, ROSMERI PORFIRIO; LEE, ROBERT WILLIAM; ROMAO PERES, JEAN RAFAEL; DE CAMARGO, RICARDO. Structure and evolution of subtropical cyclone Anita as evaluated by heat and vorticity budgets. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, v. 143, n. 704, A, p. 1539-1553, . (10/03340-9, 08/58101-9)
MOSSO DUTRA, LIVIA MARCIA; DA ROCHA, ROSMERI PORFIRIO; LEE, ROBERT WILLIAM; ROMAO PERES, JEAN RAFAEL; DE CAMARGO, RICARDO. Structure and evolution of subtropical cyclone Anita as evaluated by heat and vorticity budgets. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, v. 143, n. 704, p. 15-pg., . (08/58101-9, 10/03340-9)
Academic Publications
(References retrieved automatically from State of São Paulo Research Institutions)
DUTRA, Lívia Márcia Mosso. Subtropical cyclones over the South Atlantic: analysis of the dynamic structure of some events. 2012. Master's Dissertation - Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Instituto Astronômico e Geofísico (IAG/SBD) São Paulo.

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