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Studies on different morphospecies of Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) (Acari: Tenuipalpidae): biological aspects on different substrates and susceptibility to agrochemicals

Grant number: 12/24989-9
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): March 01, 2013
Effective date (End): December 31, 2013
Field of knowledge:Agronomical Sciences - Agronomy - Plant Health
Principal Investigator:Mário Eidi Sato
Grantee:Carolina Suzumi Tsuboka
Host Institution: Instituto Biológico (IB). Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios (APTA). Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento (São Paulo - Estado). Campinas , SP, Brazil


The mites Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) have a cosmopolitan distribution and live on more than 450 species of host plants. They are considered pests of economic importance on crops such as citrus, coffee, various fruit trees, and ornamentals. B. phoenicis is associated with the transmission of several viruses, including the Citrus leprosis virus (CiLV) and Coffee ringspot virus (CoRSV). During the visit of Dr. Ronald Ochoa (Scientific Researcher of USDA ARS, BARC, Beltsville, Maryland, USA) to Brazil in May 2011, it was noted the existence of different morphospecies of "Brevipalpus phoenicis", currently considered a single species of mite. The discovery of the presence of several "species" (morphospecies) in the "complex Brevipalpus phoenicis" may imply the need to establish different strategies for pest management in citrus and other crops, if differences are observed among this morphospecies in the susceptibility to pesticides, the geographical distribution, the host preferences, the ability of acquisition and transmission of viruses, among other aspects. The overall objective of the proposal is to expand the knowledge about "Brevipalpus phoenicis" in citrus orchards and coffee plantations, in order to establish strategies for pest management in Brazil. The specific objectives are: a) to study the biological aspects of two morphospecies (Type I and Type II) of B. phoenicis in different substrates (citrus fruits and coffee leaves), b) to evaluate the susceptibility of two morphospecies of B. phoenicis to various pesticides used in citrus orchards in Brazil.(AU)

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