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The theoretical legacy of Waldisa Russio Camargo Guarnieri: analyze and recognizing of her studies based in empiric experiences in Brazilian museums for the theory of Museology internationally

Grant number: 18/01314-2
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): March 01, 2018
Effective date (End): December 31, 2018
Field of knowledge:Applied Social Sciences - Museology
Principal Investigator:Viviane Panelli Sarraf
Grantee:Sophia de Oliveira Novaes
Host Institution: Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros (IEB). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:16/15220-4 - The theoretical legacy of Waldisa Russio Camargo Guarnieri: analize and recognizing of her studies based in empiric experiences in Brazilian museums for the theory of museology internationally, AP.JP


This project presented for Yong Researcher proposes the analyze, organization and development of strategies to recognizing the theoretical and empirical contribution of the professor and museologist Waldisa Rússio Camargo Guarnieri (1935-1990) in the Institute of Brazilian Studies of University of Sao Paulo. The research will be conducted in the Archives of the Institute of Brazilian Studies of USP and in the Center of Documentation of FESP-SP, where all the documents of the author are stored. The main goal of the project is the systematization of the theoretical production of Guarnieri to the consolidation of a Brazilian Museologic Theory in an international perspective. As the results we plan the achievement of a unified Database with the documents produced by the author, the production of a bilingual book about her main theoretical and practice lines of studies and the creation of a new research group in the Multidisciplinary Program of Post Graduation in Brazilian Cultures and Identities. (AU)

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