Scholarship 20/11384-8 - Gêneros textuais, Ensino e aprendizagem - BV FAPESP
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Textual genres and academic mobility: a proposal for the teaching-learning process of FLE (French as a Foreign Language)

Grant number: 20/11384-8
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Start date until: April 01, 2021
End date until: March 31, 2022
Field of knowledge:Linguistics, Literature and Arts - Literature - Modern Foreign Languages
Principal Investigator:Eliane Gouvêa Lousada
Grantee:Julia Gomes Palmberg
Host Institution: Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil


The present research aims at the elaboration of a teaching-learning didactic material of French as a Foreign Language (FLE), through academic textual genres, for graduate students who intend to attend Sandwich PhD/Doctorates or Master's in francophone countries, especially in the Engineering and Exact and Earth Sciences areas (CAPES and CNPq). Based on the Socio-discursive Interactionist theory (BRONCKART, 1999, 2019) and the studies on the usage of Didactic Sequences for the learning of languages (DOLZ, NOVERRAZ, SCHNEUWLY, 2004), combined with the "itinerary" device (COLOGNESI, 2015; COLOGNESI, DOLZ, 2017), we will propose a didactic material for the learning of the French language through the most significative genres for those students who wish to spend a period studying and/or doing researches at universities in French-speaking countries. Therefore, we will then adapt the proposed material to the currently established one for the application of the course "Academic textual genres: production of oral and written texts in French to participate in the university context", offered by the Service of Culture and University Extension of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo, as well as for the course "Academic Writing in French for Postgraduate Students", offered in partnership with USP's Postgraduate Office and the Academic Literacy Laboratory. (AU)

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