Scholarship 20/14162-6 - Dinâmica dos fluidos, Geofísica - BV FAPESP
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Influence of moist convection on the geostrophic adjustment

Grant number: 20/14162-6
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
Start date until: April 01, 2021
End date until: April 30, 2023
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Geosciences - Meteorology
Principal Investigator:Pedro Leite da Silva Dias
Grantee:André Seiji Wakate Teruya
Host Institution: Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas (IAG). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:15/50122-0 - Dynamic phenomena in complex networks: basics and applications, AP.TEM


This project aims to analyze the influence of moist convection on geostrophic adjustment on the equatorial region. The geostrophic adjustment will be examined through numerical experiments with a pseudo-spectral model that couples a shallow-water model on the equatorial $\beta$-plane with a vertically averaged moisture equation. We will also explore the moisture's impact in the non-linear wave-wave interactions among Rossby, Kelvin, Mixed Rossby-gravity, and inertia-gravity waves. This research will provide a better understanding of the non-linear interaction between the normal modes of oscillation in the atmosphere and moisture during the geostrophic adjustment in the equatorial region. The dynamical nature of these non-linear interactions is essential to expand our current understanding of the intraseasonal atmospheric variability. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
RAPHALDINI, B.; PEIXOTO, P. S.; TERUYA, A. S. W.; RAUPP, C. F. M.; BUSTAMANTE, M. D.. Precession resonance of Rossby wave triads and the generation of low-frequency atmospheric oscillations. Physics of Fluids, v. 34, n. 7, p. 21-pg., . (15/50686-1, 20/14162-6, 16/18445-7, 21/06176-0, 17/23417-5)
TERUYA, ANDRE S. W.; RAPHALDINI, BRENO; RAUPP, CARLOS F. M.. Ray Tracing of MHD Rossby Waves in the Solar Tachocline: Meridional Propagation and Implications for the Solar Magnetic Activity. FRONTIERS IN ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCES, v. 9, p. 10-pg., . (20/14162-6, 15/50686-1, 15/50122-0)

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