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Fish assemblage structure, functional diversity, climate vulnerability and protection in subtropical mesophotic reefs of the Southern Hemisphere

Grant number: 23/08812-6
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
Effective date (Start): April 01, 2024
Effective date (End): March 31, 2026
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Oceanography - Biological Oceanography
Principal Investigator:Tito Monteiro da Cruz Lotufo
Grantee:Fernanda Andreoli Rolim
Host Institution: Instituto Oceanográfico (IO). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil


Mesophotic ecosystems are diverse environments that provide important ecosystem services to millions of people, shelter a rich biodiversity and form a landscape mosaic. With this, the deep refuge hypothesis has been tested worldwide, in which some authors suggest that this environment could replenish shallow areas. However, the biological community structure and vulnerability of the habitats in the subtropical regions have been poorly understood. This project aims to evaluate fish assemblage structure, functional diversity and climatic vulnerability of subtropical mesophotic reefs in the southern hemisphere. Specifically, the objectives are: 1. to describe and compare the reefs cross shelf and longitudinally, 2. to evaluate the vulnerability of the fish assemblage in future climatic scenarios, and 3. to evaluate the effectiveness of the marine reserves. Field campaigns in Brazil and online databases will be used to obtain data from fish assemblages. Environmental variables will be tested to determine their impact on fish biological metrics and the functional diversity will be compared across depths and regions. Species vulnerability to climate change will be analyzed based on biological information available in the literature and, finally, the effectiveness of exclusion reserves in protecting southern mesophotic subtropical reefs will be analyzed. This project will generate data on the biodiversity of these underexplored systems in this region and will provide information on the climate vulnerability and distribution of mesophotic communities of reef fish. (AU)

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