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Protocols for combined use of sodium monensin and virginiamycin in feedlot Nellore cattle diets

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André Luiz Nagatani Rigueiro
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: Dracena. 2016-03-23.
Institution: Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp). Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Tecnológicas. Dracena
Defense date:
Advisor: Danilo Domingues Millen; Mário De Beni Arrigoni

The experiment was designed to evaluate the effect of combined use of monensin (MON) and virginiamycin (VM) in the adaptation period and finishing period on feedlot performance, feeding behavior, ruminal health and carcass characteristics of Nellore cattle. Seventy two 26-mo-old yearling Nellore bulls (388±31.07 kg), backgrounded on pasture were randomly allocated and kept in 24 pens (10 m² and e 1.67 m bunk space per animal) according to the treatments: MON (30 mg/kg) in the adaptation and finishing period, MON (30 mg/kg ) + VM (25 mg/kg) in adaptation and only VM (25 mg/kg) in finish, MON (30 mg/kg) + VM (25 mg / kg) in adaptation and VM (25 mg/kg) + MON (30 mg/kg) in finish and VM (25 mg/kg) in adaptation MON (30 mg/kg) + VM (25 mg/kg) in finish, thus characterizing a completely randomized block design. Each treatment was composed by 6 replications (pens) in this study. The adaptation program consisted of ad libitum feeding of three adaptation diets over period of 19 days with concentrate level increasing from 69% to 84% of diet dry matter. During the adaptation period, animals feed with only VM showed greater dry matter intake in kilos, dry matter intake expressed as % of body weight, reduced in dry matter intake variation in kilos and percentage, and the number of days to achieve 2% of DMI, expressed as % of body weight (P<0.05). Throughout the study, steers that were fed MON and VM during the adaptation period and only VM during the finishing period increase final BW, DMI in kilograms and as percentage of BW, average daily gain, hot carcass weight, ribeye area and daily gain of ribeye area when compared to animals receiving others combinations. There were no differences between the treatments for parameters related of rumen health and selective consumption of ration (P>0.05). Thus, supplementation with only VM in the adaptation period improved the feedlot performance of the animals during the adaptation period; however, the supplementation with MON e VM during the adaptation period and only VM in the finishing period improved animals performance and carcass traits of Nellore cattle. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 13/21672-7 - Protocols for combined use of sodium monensin and virginiamycin in feedlot Nellore cattle diets
Grantee:André Luiz Nagatani Rigueiro
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master