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The role of legumes tree in the nutrient dinamics in an Atlantic Forest of the State Park Serra do Mar, Santa Virgínia and Picinguaba units, State of São Paulo, Brazil

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Sílvia Rafaela Machado Lins
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: Piracicaba.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALA/BC)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Luiz Antonio Martinelli; Luciana Ferreira Alves; Marcio Rodrigues Lambais
Advisor: Luiz Antonio Martinelli

Among several botanical families present in the coastal Atlantic Forest, the Fabaceae family has a significant ecological role not only due its abundance and wide distribution, but as well as for having an important role in the terrestrial nitrogen (N) cycle. Studies conducted by our group have shown that Atlantic tropical forest located in lower altitudes (Terras Baixas) has a more open nitrogen cycle, while, at higher altitudes (Montana Forest) has a more closed nitrogen cycle. Under this scenario the main objective of this project was to investigate the role of Fabaceae on the N and other nutrients cycles in two Atlantic forests, with distinct characteristics of the N cycle. One with an open nitrogen cycle located at 100 m of altitude and another with a closed nitrogen cycle located at 1000 m of altitude. A number of 207 leaf samples was analysed and considering the total sample within the two altitudinal gradients, 15N mean value was lower in F+ (0.4 ± 1.2 ?) relative to the NF (01.06 ± 01.08 ?) but not different when compared to average value of F- (1.4 ± 1.3 ?). The mean value for the concentration of the NF+ showed higher than the F- and NF. P concentrations did not differ between F+, F- and NF. Ca was higher than in NFF+, with no significant difference in relation to F-. C:N ratio was higher in NF when comparing with the F+ and F-, but did not differ to NFF-. Average value of N:P ratio was higher in F+, but did not show difference to F-. The Lowland had higher mean values of 15N, P and Ca, lower C:N and N:P ratios, but no significant difference in the concentration of N compared to Montana. When considering the interaction between altitude and nodulation, the average 15NNF was significantly higher in the Lowland, but no difference for F+ was observed between the sites. F- were not observed in the Lowland. The N concentration was lower in NF compared to F+ in the two altitudes, however, between these parameters and in different altitudes, there was no difference. PNF concentrations were higher in the Lowland, but no difference between altitudes for the average PF+ was observed. Ca was higher in Lowland for both NF and for F+. The C:NNF ratio was lower in the Lowland, showing no differences between the sites in F+ plants. N:P ratio in NF was higher in the Lowland, but there was no significant difference in N:PF+. With the data presented the paradox related to N richness in tropical forests and the absence of fixation in this environment continues. It can be conclude because it was the legumes are not fixing, even when comparing the different physical conditions and nutrient availability. However, it was confirmed that legumes have different concentrations of nutrients in their tissues over other species which may interfere with the decomposition of organic matter and in the N cycle of the ecosystem. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 10/13593-1 - The role of legumes tree in the nutrient cycling in an Atlantic Forest of the State Park Serra do Mar, Santa Virgínia, State of São Paulo, Brazil
Grantee:Sílvia Rafaela Machado Lins
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master