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Evaluation of the interaction of thyroid hormone with the sympathetic nervous system, via beta2-adrenergic receptor, in the regulation of bone mass and metabolism

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Bianca Neofiti Papi
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: São Paulo.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Faculdade de Medicina (FM/SBD)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Cecilia Helena de Azevedo Gouveia Ferreira; Maria Claudia Costa Irigoyen; Bruno Ferraz de Souza
Advisor: Cecilia Helena de Azevedo Gouveia Ferreira

Thyroid hormone (TH) is essential for bone development, maturation and metabolism, while the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is also a potent regulator of bone remodeling. SNS has been shown to negatively regulate bone mass, acting via beta2-adrenergic (beta2-AR) receptors expressed in osteoblasts. Our group demonstrated that alpha2-adrenergic (alpha2-AR) receptors also mediate SNS actions in the skeleton and are expressed in osteoblasts, osteocytes, chondrocytes and osteoclasts. Considering that TH interacts with the SNS to regulate a series of physiological processes, and that the excess of TH and the activation of the SNS cause loss of bone mass, we hypothesize that there is interaction between TH and the SNS to regulate the bone mass. Studies of our group have supported this hypothesis, since mice with gene inactivation of alpha2-AR present resistance to the osteopenia induced by toxic doses of TH. Considering that the TH-SNS interaction in various tissues and/or organs depends on beta2-adrenergic signaling, the present study aimed to evaluate whether the interaction of TH with the SNS to regulate the bone morphophysiology involves beta2- AR. Therefore, we studied the effect of 10x and 20x the physiological dose of triiodothyronine (3.5ug or 7.0ug of T3/100g body mass/day, respectively), for 90 days, in the bone microarchitecture and biomechanical parameters of the femur mice with beta2-AR gene inactivation (beta2-AR-/-), and of their respective Wild-type (WT) controls, the FVB lineage mice. As expected, T3 treatment promoted deleterious effects on the trabecular microarchitecture of the WT females, while some of these effects were milder or nonexistent in beta2-AR-/- animals, revealing trabecular bone resistance of knockout (KO) animals to the deleterious effects of thyrotoxicosis. In contrast, the femoral microarchitecture of the male beta2-AR-/- mice was more sensitive to the deleterious effects of thyrotoxicosis, in relation to the respective WT animals. Regarding to the femoral cortical bone, we saw that T3 treatment increased the endosteal perimeter and the medullary area both male and female WT animals, but not in the beta2-AR-/- mice, suggesting that T3 promotes endosteal bone resorption in the cortical bone, in a mechanism that depends on the alpha2-AR signaling pathway. We also found that treatment with T3 caused significant reductions in the maximum load, tenacity, stiffness and resilience of femurs of the WT female mice. In contrast, none of these biomechanical parameters was affected by T3 treatment in the KO females, demonstrating again resistance of these animals to the deleterious effects of thyrotoxicosis on bone tissue. On the other hand, WT and KO male mice were resistant to the deleterious effects of T3 treatment on the biomechanical parameters of the femur, suggesting the participation of sexual factors in the interaction of HT with the SNS to regulate bone morphophysiology. Taken together, the findings of the present study corroborate the hypothesis that TH interacts with the SNS through the beta2 adrenergic receptor pathway to regulate bone morphophysiology, especially in females and cortical bone (AU)

FAPESP's process: 15/12554-6 - Evaluation of the interaction of thyroid hormone with the sympathetic nervous system, via beta2 adrenergic receptor, in regulation of the mass and bone metabolism
Grantee:Bianca Neofiti Papi
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master