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Effects of ventilator-induced lung injury on airway-ciliated epithelia and the influence on mucociliary transport system

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Vivien Schmeling Piccin
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Doctoral Thesis
Press: São Paulo.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Faculdade de Medicina (FM/SBD)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Elnara Márcia Negri; Eduardo Leite Vieira Costa; Marisa Dolhnikoff; Maria Lucia Bueno Garcia; Mauro Roberto Tucci
Advisor: Elnara Márcia Negri

Mechanical ventilation (MV) can result in a medical complication named Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury (VILI), where physiologic and morphologic alterations in the lungs have been reported. In this study, we have hypothesized that MV-induced injury can have a major impact on the mucociliary system. In a randomized controlled trial twenty-seven male New Zealand rabbits were separated into four groups. During the first thirty minutes all rabbits were subjected to MV with tidal volume of 8 ml/kg of body weight, 3 L/minute of flow, positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 5 cm H2O and FIO2 of 0.4. After that the study animals were divided into 4 groups: Sham (n=6) was ventilated for ten minutes, Lower Volume/LV (n=6; Vt 8, P peak 17, P mean 9, PEEP 5, Flow 3), High Volume/HV (n=7; Vt 16, P peak 27, P mean 12, PEEP 5, Flow 5) and High Pressure/HP (n=8; Vt 8, P peak 30, P mean 20, PEEP 12, Flow 9) and ventilated for 3 hours more. Respiratory system mechanics was recorded using Labview®. Blood gasometry and vital signals were monitored. Lung tissue sections were stained by H&E to analyze inflammation. We also studied the ciliary beating frequency (CBF), tracheal mucociliary transport (TMCT) in situ and in vitro, mucus contact angle (CA) and respiratory mucus viscosity. To quantify mucosubstances, tracheal samples were stained with PAS/AB. As a result we have that the respiratory system compliance decreased (p<0.05) in the HP group compared to other ventilated groups. All ventilated groups showed an increase in polymorphonuclear cells quantity per area of lung parenchyma (p<0.001) compared to the Sham group. There were no differences in TMCT and CA among ventilated groups, when initial and final measurements were compared. MCT significantly decreased in the LV group (p=0.007) after the protocol (1.42 range of 2.11-0.99 to 0.95 range of 1.15-0.92). The CBF significantly decreased (p=0.047) in the HP group when the initial (13.51 range of 14.49-11.62) and final (11.69 range of 14.18-10.12) measurements were compared. Physiological data and tracheal electronic microscopy confirm the CBF dysfunction observed in the AP group. In the trachea all ventilated groups showed a significant decrease in total mucus (LV 2,018, HV 3,219 and HP 2,883) and acid mucus (LV 672, HV 240 and HP 480) per um2 of lung tissue (p<0.05) compared to the sham group (4,660 um2 of total mucus and 1,873 um2 of acid mucus). In distal bronchioles there was a significant decrease in total mucus in the LV and HP group (p<0.05) compared to Sham and HV groups. The same phenomenon was observed regarding neutral mucus. We concluded that mechanical forces involved in MV affect mucociliary function. Mechanical ventilation probably leads to the dysfunction on the mucus production. This phenomenon is better perceived when higher volume and higher mean pressure (associated with inspired gases high flow) are used. An increase of the mean pressure combined with inspired gases high flow also leads to mucociliary cells suffering, to ciliary beat frequency dysfunction and probably cilia loss. These alterations probably occur due to the effect of the physical forces generated by the mechanical ventilation in association with the oscillation of the inflammatory response and local blood flow. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 06/50725-8 - Effects of ventilator-induced lung injury on airway-ciliated epithelia and the influence on mucociliary transport system
Grantee:Vivien Schmeling Piccin
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate (Direct)