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The Legend of Iara: Literary Nationalism and Folklore

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Sandra Ramos Casemiro
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: São Paulo.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH/SBD)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Vagner Camilo; Orna Messer Levin; Therezinha Apparecida Porto Ancona Lopez
Advisor: Vagner Camilo

For a long period, the nationalist ideal was the central concern of Brazilian intellectuals of the nineteenth century. Owing to Brazils independence, the necessity of creating a mythology to explain the emergence of our nation became very strong. Although the Indianism has been a great expression of this trend, our Romantic nationalism also considered the popular traditions as an important element to find Brazils national essence and to make its differences and particularities clear. The main aim of this study is to show how Brazilian folklore was used by Romantics, whose intention was to present our cultural autonomy to Europe, particularly to Portugal, by means of a national literature. It is important to emphasise that this intention characterised the authors of the entire nineteenth century, including the Parnassians poets. In the twentieth century, the interest in folklore was continued mainly by Mário de Andrade. It should be noted that the research is restricted to one aspect of our folklore, the legend of Iara, described in works of José de Alencar, Gonçalves Dias, Juvenal Galeno, Melo Morais Filho, Machado de Assis, Olegário Mariano, Martins Fontes and Olavo Bilac. (AU)