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Rogue State and nuclear weapons: actor\'s rationality in acquisition of nuclear weapons in the post-cold war

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Karen Katarine Mizuta
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: São Paulo.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Instituto de Relações Internacionais (IRI)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Rafael Antonio Duarte Villa; Kai Enno Lehmann; Cristina Soreanu Pecequilo
Advisor: Rafael Antonio Duarte Villa

Since the end of the Cold War, the United States promoted the notion of the existence of \"Rogue States\", designating them as \"new enemies\". However, the term presents many controversies surrounding its definition, especially about the criteria that confer the label to such actors. The irrationality in decision-making and the pursuit of nuclear weapons are presented as the core characteristics of the concept. Through the analysis of American discourses on rogue states, and under the constructivist perspective, one can infer that the speech was used as a way of corroborating the U.S. actions towards these countries, while that shaped the American strategies themselves, once the speech acts are an action itself. Actions taken towards a situation are defined according to the perceptions and meaning the actor will give to it. Thus, the indication of certain countries as Rogue States by the United States served to distinguish among the countries of International System \"those who should be fought\". Some critics of the term argue that the criterion of rationality applied to states like North Korea and Iran is much more rigorous than the one applied to other states, even the USSR during the Cold War. This work intends to evaluate the emergence of the term rogue state and its use by the U.S. government as an official policy. Through two articles, we seek to understand the construction of the rogue state concept, taking into account the constructivist theories, especially the theory of so-called linguistic turn. Since the discussion of irrationality is directly linked to the search for acquiring nuclear weapons - key characteristic of a rogue-, it also intends to evaluate the assumptions for such classification by investigating the nuclear programs of both countries currently at the center of the nuclear debate -Iran and North Korea. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 11/04177-7 - Rogue States and nuclear weapons: actors' racionality in acquisition and use of nuclear weapons in the post-Cold war
Grantee:Karen Katarine Mizuta
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master