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Isabelle Mira da Silva


Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Botucatu. Faculdade de Medicina (FMB)  (Institutional affiliation from the last research proposal)
Birthplace: Brazil

Graduated in Biological Sciences (Licenciatura) from IBB, UNESP, Botucatu and currently a Stricto Sensu postgraduate student in the area of Biological Sciences (Genetics), in the area of Immunogenetics from UNESP, Botucatu and Lato Sensu MBA in Data Science and Analytics from USP/ESALQ.He was awarded a PIBIC Jr. scholarship in 2013 with a Jr. Scientific Initiation project supervised by Prof. Dr. Sérgio Felisbino. In 2016, she received a PROEX scholarship and worked as a volunteer tutor at the IBB Cursinho. In 2017, she received a PIBIC/CNPq scholarship and was supervised by Prof. Dr. Flávia Karina Delella. In the same year, she was awarded a FAPESP scholarship with a Scientific Initiation project under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Flávia Karina Delella. In 2021, she developed a Scientific Initiation project aimed at analyzing the expression of the HLA-E gene using a computational approach under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Erick da Cruz Castelli. In 2022, she was awarded a FAPESP grant, where, together with Prof. Erick da Cruz Castelli, she deepened the HLA-E analysis and sought relationships with the MHC complex and its primary transcription patterns.She has knowledge of biosafety in animal facilities, laboratories and level 2 cell culture rooms. She has experience in immunocytochemistry, histological slide preparation, protein extraction and quantification, 2D cell culture and morphological analysis programs and basic knowledge of the Python and R programming languages, as well as knowing and helping to create and/or update tools for bioinformatics analysis, such as the Landscape Expression Visualization Interface (Levi - Bioconductor). (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

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