Cholinergic activation of neurons in the medulla o... - BV FAPESP
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Cholinergic activation of neurons in the medulla oblongata changes urinary bladder activity by plasma vasopressin release in female rats

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Cafarchio, Eduardo M. [1] ; da Silva, Luiz A. [1] ; Auresco, Luciana C. [1] ; Ogihara, Cristiana A. [1] ; Almeida, Roberto L. [1] ; Giannocco, Gisele [1] ; Luz, Maria C. B. [2] ; Fonseca, Fernando L. A. [2] ; Sato, Monica A. [1]
Total Authors: 9
[1] Fac Med ABC, Dept Morphol & Physiol, 821 Principe Gales Ave, Vila Principe Gales, BR-09060650 Santo Andre, SP - Brazil
[2] Fac Med ABC, Clin Lab Anal, BR-09060650 Santo Andre, SP - Brazil
Total Affiliations: 2
Document type: Journal article
Source: European Journal of Pharmacology; v. 776, p. 116-123, APR 5 2016.
Web of Science Citations: 2

The central control of the micturition is dependent on cortical areas and other ascending and descending pathways in the brain stem. The descendent pathways from the pons to the urinary bladder (UB) can be direct or indirect through medullary neurons (MN). Chemical stimulation with I. -glutamate of MN known for their involvement in cardiovascular regulation evokes changes in pelvic nerves activities, which innervate the urinary bladder. Different neurotransmitters have been found in medullary areas; nevertheless, their involvement in UB control is few understood. We focused to investigate if cholinergic activation of neurons in the medulla oblongata changes the urinary bladder activity. Carbachol (cholinergic agonist) or atropine (cholinergic antagonist) was injected into the 4thV in anesthetized female Wistar rats and the intravesical pressure (IP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR) and renal conductance (RC) were recorded for 30 min. Carbachol injection into the 4thV increased IP with peak response at 30 min after carbachol and yielded no changes in MAP, HR and RC. Atropine injection into the 4thV decreased IP and elicited no changes in MAP, HR and RC. Plasma vasopressin levels evaluated by ELISA kit assay increased after carbachol into the 4th V. Intravenous blockade of V1 receptors prior to carbachol into the 4thV abolished the increase in IP evoked by carbachol. Therefore, our findings suggest that cholinergic activation of neurons in the medulla oblongata by carbachol injections into the 4thV increases IP due to plasma vasopressin release, which acts in V1 receptors in the UB. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 13/04550-5 - Role of medullary cholinergic neurons in the urinary bladder regulation
Grantee:Monica Akemi Sato
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants