Non-classicality from the phase-space flow analysi... - BV FAPESP
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Non-classicality from the phase-space flow analysis of the Weyl-Wigner quantum mechanics

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Bernardini, Alex E. [1] ; Bertolami, Orfeu [1, 2]
Total Authors: 2
[1] Univ Porto, Fac Ciencias, Dept Fis & Astron, Rua Campo Alegre, P-4169007 Oporto - Portugal
[2] Ctr Fis Porto, Rua Campo Alegre, P-4169007 Oporto - Portugal
Total Affiliations: 2
Document type: Journal article
Source: EPL; v. 120, n. 2 OCT 2017.
Web of Science Citations: 3

A fluid analog of the information flux in the phase-space associated to purity and von Neumann entropy is identified in the Weyl-Wigner formalism of quantum mechanics. Once constrained by symmetry and positiveness, the encountered continuity equations provide novel quantifiers for non-classicality (non-Liouvillian fluidity) given in terms of quantum decoherence, purity and von Neumann entropy fluxes. Through definitions in the Weyl-Wigner formalism, one can identify the quantum fluctuations that distort the classical-quantum coincidence regime, and the corresponding quantum information profile, whenever some bounded x-p volume of the phase-space is specified. The dynamics of anharmonic systems is investigated in order to illustrate such a novel paradigm for describing quantumness and classicality through the flux of quantum information in the phase-space. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2017 (AU)

FAPESP's process: 17/02294-2 - The classical-quantum correspondence of cosmological scenarios from the analysis of Quantum Decoherence and Gaussian correlations
Grantee:Alex Eduardo de Bernardini
Support Opportunities: Scholarships abroad - Research