Structural and physiological responses of Halodule... - BV FAPESP
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Structural and physiological responses of Halodule wrightii to ocean acidification

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Schneider, Geniane [1, 2] ; Horta, Paulo Antunes [3] ; Calderon, Emiliano Nicolas [4, 5, 6] ; Castro, Clovis [4, 5] ; Bianchini, Adalto [4] ; Augusto da Silva, Camilla Reis [1, 2] ; Brandalise, Isabel [2] ; Barufi, Jose Bonomi [3, 1] ; Silva, Joao [7] ; Rodrigues, Ana Claudia [1, 2]
Total Authors: 10
[1] Univ Fed Santa Catarina, Dept Plant Bot, Postgrad Program Biol Fungi Algae & Plants, BR-88040900 Florianopolis, SC - Brazil
[2] Univ Fed Santa Catarina, Dept Bot, Plant Anat Lab, BR-88040900 Florianopolis, SC - Brazil
[3] Univ Fed Santa Catarina, Dept Bot, Phycol Lab, BR-88040900 Florianopolis, SC - Brazil
[4] Coral Vivo Inst, Rio De Janeiro - Brazil
[5] Univ Fed Rio de Janeiro, Natl Museum, Celenterol Lab, Dept Invertebrates, Rio De Janeiro, RJ - Brazil
[6] Fed Univ Rio de Janeiro NUPEM UFRJ, Macae Nucleus Ecol Res, Postgrad Program Environm Sci & Conservat PPG CiA, Macae, RJ - Brazil
[7] Univ Algarve, Marine Plant Ecol Res Grp ALGAE, Ctr Marine Sci CCMAR, Campus Gambelas, Faro - Portugal
Total Affiliations: 7
Document type: Journal article
Source: PROTOPLASMA; v. 255, n. 2, p. 629-641, MAR 2018.
Web of Science Citations: 2

Coastal areas face high variability of seawater pH. Ocean acidification (OA) and local stressors are enhancing this variability, which poses a threat to marine life. However, these organisms present potential phenotypic plasticity that can offer physiological and structural tools to survive in these extreme conditions. In this study, we evaluated the effects of elevated CO2 levels and consequent pH reduction on the physiology, anatomy and ultrastructure of the seagrass Halodule wrightii. A mesocosm study was conducted in an open system during a 30-day experiment, where different concentrations of CO2 were simulated following the natural variability observed in coastal reef systems. This resulted in four experimental conditions simulating the (i) environmental pH (control condition, without CO2 addition) and (ii) reduced pH by - 0.3 units, (iii) - 0.6 units and (iv) - 0.9 units, in relation to the field condition. The evaluated population only suffered reduced optimum quantum yield (Y(II)), leaf width and cross-section area under the lowest CO2 addition (- 0.3 pH units) after 30 days of experiment. This fitness commitment should be related to carbon concentration mechanisms present in the evaluated species. For the highest CO2 level, H. wrightii demonstrated a capacity to compensate any negative effect of the lowest pH. Our results suggest that the physiological behaviour of this primary producer is driven by the interactions among OA and environmental factors, like irradiance and nutrient availability. The observed behaviour highlights that high-frequency pH variability and multifactorial approaches should be applied, and when investigating the impact of OA, factors like irradiance, nutrient availability and temperature must be considered as well. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 14/00012-1 - Diversity and phylogeny of the Laurencia complex (Rhodophyta) in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean
Grantee:Valéria Cassano
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants