Characterizing Optical Variability of OJ 287 in 20... - BV FAPESP
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Characterizing Optical Variability of OJ 287 in 2016-2017

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Gupta, Alok C. [1, 2] ; Gaur, Haritma [2] ; Wiita, Paul J. [3] ; Pandey, A. [2] ; Kushwaha, P. [4] ; Hu, S. M. [5] ; Kurtanidze, O. M. [6, 7, 8, 9] ; Semkov, E. [10, 11] ; Damljanovic, G. [12] ; Goyal, A. [13] ; Uemura, M. [14] ; Daniba, A. [15, 16] ; Chen, Xu [5] ; Vince, O. [12] ; Gu, M. F. [1] ; Zhang, Z. [17] ; Bachev, R. [10, 11] ; Chanishvili, R. [7] ; Itoh, R. [18] ; Kawabata, M. [14] ; Kurtanidze, S. O. [7] ; Nakaoka, T. [14] ; Nikolashvili, M. G. [7] ; Stawarz, L. [13] ; Strigachev, A. [10, 11]
Total Authors: 25
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[1] Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Res Galaxies & Cosmol, Shanghai Astron Observ, Shanghai 200030 - Peoples R China
[2] Aryabhatta Res Inst Observat Sci ARIES, Naini Tal 263002 - India
[3] Coll New Jersey, Dept Phys, 2000 Pennington Rd, Ewing, NJ 08628 - USA
[4] Univ Sao Paulo, Dept Astron, IAG USP, BR-05508090 Sao Paulo - Brazil
[5] Shandong Univ, Shandong Prov Key Lab Opt Astron & Solar Terr Env, Inst Space Sci, Weihai 264209 - Peoples R China
[6] Guangzhou Univ, Ctr Astrophys, Guangzhou 510006, Guangdong - Peoples R China
[7] Abastumani Observ, GE-0301 Mt Kanobili, Abastumani - Rep of Georgia
[8] Kazan Fed Univ, Engelhardt Astron Observ, Tatarstan - Russia
[9] Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Opt Astron, Natl Astron Observ, Beijing 100012 - Peoples R China
[10] Bulgarian Acad Sci, Inst Astron, 72 Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd, Sofia 1784 - Bulgaria
[11] Bulgarian Acad Sci, Natl Astron Observ, 72 Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd, Sofia 1784 - Bulgaria
[12] Astron Observ, Volgina 7, Belgrade 11060 - Serbia
[13] Jagiellonian Univ, Astron Observ, Ul Orla 171, PL-30244 Krakow - Poland
[14] Hiroshima Univ, Hiroshima Astrophys Sci Ctr, Kagamiyama 1-3-1, Higashihiroshima 7398526 - Japan
[15] Amer Assoc Variable Star Observers, 49 Bay State Rd, Cambridge, MA 02138 - USA
[16] Ctr Astron Avila, Grp M1, Madrid - Spain
[17] Chinese Acad Sci, Shanghai Astron Observ, Key Lab Radio Astron, Shanghai 200030 - Peoples R China
[18] Tokyo Inst Technol, Dept Phys, Meguro Ku, 2-12-1 Ookayama, Tokyo 1528551 - Japan
Total Affiliations: 18
Document type: Journal article
Source: ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL; v. 157, n. 3 MAR 2019.
Web of Science Citations: 0

We report on a recent multiband optical photometric and polarimetric observational campaign of the blazar OJ 287 that was carried out during 2016 September-2017 December. We employed nine telescopes in Bulgaria, China, Georgia, Japan, Serbia, Spain, and the United States. We collected over 1800 photometric image frames in BVRI bands and over 100 polarimetric measurements over similar to 175 nights. In 11 nights with many quasi-simultaneous multiband (V, R, I) observations, we did not detect any genuine intraday variability in flux or color. On longer timescales, multiple flaring events were seen. Large changes in color with respect to time and in a color-magnitude diagram were seen, and while only a weak systematic variability trend was noticed in color with respect to time, the color-magnitude diagram shows a bluer-when-brighter trend. Large changes in the degree of polarization and substantial swings in the polarization angle were detected. The fractional Stokes parameters of the polarization showed a systematic trend with time in the beginning of these observations, followed by chaotic changes and then an apparently systematic variation at the end. These polarization changes coincide with the detection and duration of the source at very high energies as seen by VERITAS. The spectral index shows a systematic variation with time and V-band magnitude. We briefly discuss possible physical mechanisms that could explain the observed flux, color, polarization, and spectral variability. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 15/13933-0 - Probing relativistic jets and high energy emission through Multi-wavelength observation analysis
Grantee:Pankaj Kushwaha
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral