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Warming Trend in Antarctic Bottom Water in the Vema Channel in the South Atlantic

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Campos, Edmo J. D. [1, 2] ; van Caspel, Mathias C. [1, 3] ; Zenk, Walter [4] ; Morozov, Eugene G. [5] ; Frey, Dmitry I. [5] ; Piola, Alberto R. [6, 7] ; Meinen, Christopher S. [8] ; Sato, Olga T. [1] ; Perez, Renellys C. [8] ; Dong, Shenfu [8]
Total Authors: 10
[1] Univ Sao Paulo, Oceanog Inst, Sao Paulo - Brazil
[2] Amer Univ Sharjah, Coll Arts & Sci, Sharjah - U Arab Emirates
[3] Alfred Wegener Inst, Helmholtz Zent Polar & Meeresforchung, Bremerhaven - Germany
[4] GEOMAR Helmholtz Ctr Ocean Res, Kiel - Germany
[5] Shirshov Inst Oceanol, Moscow - Russia
[6] Univ Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, DF - Argentina
[7] Serv Hidrografia Naval, Buenos Aires, DF - Argentina
[8] NOAA, Atlant Oceanog & Meteorol Lab, Miami, FL - USA
Total Affiliations: 8
Document type: Journal article
Source: Geophysical Research Letters; v. 48, n. 19 OCT 16 2021.
Web of Science Citations: 0

The excess heat absorbed from the atmosphere has increased the temperature in the upper layers of the ocean (<2,000 m). In the abyss, infrequently repeated ship sections, deep Argo float measurements, and sparse moored observations have found signs of warming in the Southwest Atlantic, possibly linked to changes in the Weddell Sea. We present a new moored temperature time series sampled near the bottom in the Vema Channel, from February 2019 to August 2020. Together with historical data, the combined record confirms the warming of the abyssal waters, with an increase of 0.059 degrees C in potential temperature between January 1991 and August 2020, embedded within intense high-frequency variability. Moreover, the data suggest the possibility of an accelerated warming, with a change in the temperature trend from 0.0016 degrees C yr(-1), between the early 1990s and 2005, to 0.0026 degrees C yr(-1) afterwards. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 19/07833-4 - The Antarctic Bottom Water and the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation based on the analyses of observations and numerical models
Grantee:Mathias Campos van Caspel
Support Opportunities: Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Post-doctor
FAPESP's process: 18/09823-3 - A study of the impacts of changes in the South Atlantic circulation on climate based on the analyses of observations and numerical models
Grantee:Mathias Campos van Caspel
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
FAPESP's process: 17/09659-6 - Interannual variability of the meridional transports across the SAMOC basin-wide array (SAMBAR)
Grantee:Edmo José Dias Campos
Support Opportunities: Research Projects - Thematic Grants