Composition of Eukaryotic Viruses and Bacteriophag... - BV FAPESP
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Composition of Eukaryotic Viruses and Bacteriophages in Individuals with Acute Gastroenteritis

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Ramos, Endrya do Socorro Foro [1] ; Ribeiro, Geovani de Oliveira [1] ; Villanova, Fabiola [1] ; Milagres, Flavio Augusto de Padua [2, 3] ; Brustulin, Rafael [2] ; Araujo, Emerson Luiz Lima [4] ; Pandey, Ramendra Pati [5] ; Raj, V. Samuel [5] ; Deng, Xutao [6, 7] ; Delwart, Eric [6, 7] ; Luchs, Adriana [8] ; da Costa, Antonio Charlys [9] ; Leal, Elcio [1]
Total Authors: 13
[1] Univ Fed Para, Lab Div Viral, Inst Ciencias Biol, BR-66075000 Belem, Para - Brazil
[2] Secretary Hlth Tocantins, BR-77453000 Palmas, Tocantins - Brazil
[3] Publ Hlth Lab Tocantins State LACEN TO, BR-77016330 Palmas, Tocantins - Brazil
[4] Minist Hlth CGLAB DAEVS SVS MS, Labs Strateg Articulat, Gen Coordinat Publ Hlth, Dept Hlth, Surveillance Secretariat, BR-70719040 Brasilia, DF - Brazil
[5] SRM Univ, Ctr Drug Design Discovery & Dev C4D, Sonepat 131029, Haryana - India
[6] Univ Calif San Francisco, Dept Lab Med, San Francisco, CA 94143 - USA
[7] Vitalant Res Inst, 270 Masonic Ave, San Francisco, CA 94143 - USA
[8] Adolfo Lutz Inst, Virol Ctr, Enter Dis Lab, BR-01246000 Sao Paulo, SP - Brazil
[9] Univ Sao Paulo, Inst Med Trop, Fac Med, BR-05403000 Sao Paulo, SP - Brazil
Total Affiliations: 9
Document type: Journal article
Source: Viruses-Basel; v. 13, n. 12 DEC 2021.
Web of Science Citations: 0

Metagenomics based on the next-generation sequencing (NGS) technique is a target-independent assay that enables the simultaneous detection and genomic characterization of all viruses present in a sample. There is a limited amount of data about the virome of individuals with gastroenteritis (GI). In this study, the enteric virome of 250 individuals (92% were children under 5 years old) with GI living in the northeastern and northern regions of Brazil was characterized. Fecal samples were subjected to NGS, and the metagenomic analysis of virus-like particles (VLPs) identified 11 viral DNA families and 12 viral RNA families. As expected, the highest percentage of viral sequences detected were those commonly associated with GI, including rotavirus, adenovirus, norovirus (94.8%, 82% and 71.2%, respectively). The most common co-occurrences, in a single individual, were the combinations of rotavirus-adenovirus, rotavirus-norovirus, and norovirus-adenovirus (78%, 69%, and 62%, respectively). In the same way, common fecal-emerging human viruses were also detected, such as parechovirus, bocaporvirus, cosavirus, picobirnavirus, cardiovirus, salivirus, and Aichivirus. In addition, viruses that infect plants, nematodes, fungi, protists, animals, and arthropods could be identified. A large number of unclassified viral contigs were also identified. We show that the metagenomics approach is a powerful and promising tool for the detection and characterization of different viruses in clinical GI samples. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 20/14786-0 - Surveillance and molecular epidemiology of human Bocaviruses associated with acute gastroenteritis
Grantee:Adriana Luchs
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants
FAPESP's process: 15/12944-9 - Investigating the evoltution of animal rotavirus strains infecting humans
Grantee:Adriana Luchs
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants
FAPESP's process: 17/00021-9 - Viral metagenomics to track, explain and predict the transmission and spatiotemporal spread of Dengue and Chikungunya viruses in Brazil
Grantee:Antonio Charlys da Costa
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral