Function Over Mass: A Meta-Analysis on the Importa... - BV FAPESP
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Function Over Mass: A Meta-Analysis on the Importance of Skeletal Muscle Quality in COVID-19 Patients

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Silva Pinto, Flaydson Clayton ; Andrade, Marcia Fabia ; Gatti da Silva, Guilherme Henrique ; Faiad, Jaline Zandonato ; Noronha Barrere, Ana Paula ; Goncalves, Renata de Castro ; de Castro, Gabriela Salim ; Seelaender, Marilia
Total Authors: 8
Document type: Journal article
Source: FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION; v. 9, p. 11-pg., 2022-04-20.

COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection is a highly contagious disease affecting both the higher and lower portions of the respiratory tract. This disease reached over 265 million people and has been responsible for over 5.25 million deaths worldwide. Skeletal muscle quality and total mass seem to be predictive of COVID-19 outcome. This systematic review aimed at providing a critical analysis of the studies published so far reporting on skeletal muscle mass in patients with COVID-19, with the intent of examining the eventual association between muscle status and disease severity. A meta-analysis was performed to evaluate whether skeletal muscle quantity, quality and function were related to disease severity. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses were conducted according to the guidelines of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions and reported according to the guidelines of the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) guide. From a total of 1,056 references found, 480 were selected after removing duplicates. Finally, only 7 met the specified inclusion criteria. The results of this meta-analysis showed that skeletal muscle quality, rather than quantity, was associated with COVID-19 severity, as confirmed by lower skeletal muscle density and lower handgrip strength in patients with severe disease. Muscle function assessment can thus be a valuable tool with prognostic value in COVID-19. (AU)

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