Resistance to Passion fruit woodiness virus in tra... - BV FAPESP
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Resistance to Passion fruit woodiness virus in transgenic passionflower expressing the virus coat protein gene

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Trevisan‚ F. ; Mendes‚ BMJ ; Maciel‚ SC ; Vieira‚ MLC ; Meletti‚ LMM ; Rezende‚ JAM
Total Authors: 6
Document type: Journal article
Source: PLANT DISEASE; v. 90, n. 8, p. 1026-1030, 2006.
FAPESP's process: 01/14481-3 - Genetic transformation of passionfruit plant for resistance to fruit woodiness virus (Passionfruit Woodiness Virus - PWV)
Grantee:Jorge Alberto Marques Rezende
Support Opportunities: Research Projects - Thematic Grants