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BBT-Br in a context of intervention: a study with adolescents in process of vocational guidance

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Milena Shimada
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: Ribeirão Preto.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto (PCARP/BC)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Lucy Leal Melo Silva; Ana Paula Porto Noronha Fagundes; Marco Antônio Pereira Teixeira
Advisor: Lucy Leal Melo Silva

Career choice involves a process of integrating a set of social, economic and cultural variables and also personal characteristics such as vocational interests. Hence, studies addressing the characterization of the clientele of Vocational/Professional Guidance Services have been considered relevant aiming to broaden understanding of interests and motivations of the population assisted, and planning of effective interventions. This study investigates the structure of professional interests of young individuals who seek specialized help in a Vocational Guidance Service through the Brazilian adapted version of the Test of Photos of Professions (Berufsbilder Test BBT-Br). This study specifically included: (a) the socio-demographic profile of clients; (b) comparison of the BBT-Br results from a clinical sample with the results of a standardization study of Brazilian adolescents; and (c) a complementary study comparing the BBT-Br results from a clinical sample composed of individuals attending the 12th grade with the results of a non-clinical sample with the same educational level. Data were collected from consultations records provided by the service-school of a public university in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, in a period of six years. The protocols of 532 individuals aged between 14 and 21 years old, both male and female, from public and private schools, who were assisted from 2003 to 2008 and performed the BBT-Br during the Vocational Guidance process were analyzed. A total of 615 BBT-Br protocols were analyzed in the complementary study, comparing the results of the clinical group (n=118) with the non-clinical (n=497). Data analysis was carried out through statistical procedures: descriptive analysis, Student t test, two-way analysis of variance and contrast analysis (ANOVA), with level of significance below or equal to 0,05. The socio-demographic characterization of the sample evidenced the predominance of women (70,1%), students from the 12th grade (58,8%), from private schools (74,1%). A total of 90,2% of the clients concluded the process and 87,6% participated in group consultation. The BBT-Br results indicated that the structures of interests of clinical groups are similar to normative data. The factors S(h), G and O predominated among women, which indicate preference for activities related to help, studies and communication. The factors S(e), G and V predominated among men, evidencing interests related to dynamism, studies and rationality. These profiles can illustrate differences between genders in choice behavior related to the expectation of roles socially constructed and to the historical and cultural contexts. The comparative analysis of productivity indexes demonstrated that clinical groups (with exception of male students from private schools) made significant less positive choices than non-clinical groups, deciding for more negative or neutral choices. These results might indicate that clinical groups are less mature to choose a career, which restricts their possibilities of occupational exploration. This study supports the use of the BBT-Br in clinical practice, contributing to the production of knowledge on this projective method and its use in vocational intervention. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 08/07121-0 - The BBT-Br in intervention context: a study with adolescents in Vocational Guidance process
Grantee:Milena Shimada
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master