Research and Innovation: e-SHARE miner: information management supported by knowledge discovery via taxonomy of topics
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e-SHARE miner: information management supported by knowledge discovery via taxonomy of topics

Grant number: 17/20629-1
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Computer Science - Computer Systems
Agreement: FINEP - PIPE/PAPPE Grant
Principal Investigator:Valdirene Fontanette
Grantee:Valdirene Fontanette
Company:Itera Inovação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico Ltda. - ME
CNAE: Desenvolvimento de programas de computador sob encomenda
Desenvolvimento e licenciamento de programas de computador customizáveis
Suporte técnico, manutenção e outros serviços em tecnologia da informação
City: São Carlos
Pesquisadores principais:
João Mateus Arcolini Emílio ; Marco Antonio Pereira ; Solange Oliveira Rezende


The project "e-SHARE Miner: Information management supported by the discovery of knowledge via taxonomy of topics", executed by Itera, came with the objective of allying document management, presented in Electronic Document Management (GED) software e-SHARE, with the knowledge management, accomplished by the incorporation of techniques of Text Mining that allow the reduction of the time and the effort given in the process of identification of documents of a collection. During Phase I, we sought to understand the problem related to the search for legal documents to be used as a base document (models) in the creation of a new initial (first step in a legal process) and the application, the text mining process for extracting patterns through topic extraction, in the sequence, the construction of a computational tool that allows hierarchical visualizations of the topics, making available the knowledge embedded in these documents, enabling a better understanding and ease in the exploration and retrieval of documents of interest . In Phase II, still in execution, the manual prototype was evolved into a computational tool that uses the microservice architecture as a technological base and, in general, allows the automated application of the Text Mining process through a set of graphical interfaces friendly. This evolution works to make e-SHARE Miner robust and scalable to support the execution of the Text Mining process for large amounts of data. Phase III of the project has as a general objective the improvement and growth of the e-SHARE Miner tool so that it can be effectively placed on the market and marketed independently of the e-SHARE GED. This initiative enables the application of the tool in companies of the legal area, as well as its application in new market niches. The proposed activities for Phase III seek the commercial development of the tool and its insertion into the market, as well as positioning the e-SHARE Miner tool and the image of Itera the references in Text Mining solutions, increasing the ability to solve problems linked to Artificial Intelligence. (AU)

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