Research Grants 19/05455-2 - Aeronomia, Sistemas de navegação global por satélite - BV FAPESP
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Characterization of the ionospheric dynamics in the South American sector and Antarctica under the space weather conditions


The electrodynamics characterization of the ionosphere in the face of the conditions of the space (space weather) around the Earth has become increasingly necessary in the last decades due to its implications for modern society. Although their impacts are not yet known to the general public, they are already recognized as a new natural hazard of modern technological society. The conditions of the ionosphere present changes as a function of magnetic latitude and longitude, time of day, season, as well as disturbances in time scales from seconds to several days and months associated with space weather conditions, and of dozens of years associated with solar cycle activity. These changes are critical for users of GPS (Global Navigation Satellite System), high frequency (HF) communications and satellite control systems; that in extreme cases can lead to economic losses and environment damage. In this context, one of the main objectives of this project is the characterization of the ionosphere dynamics in the South American sector up to Antarctica under different space weather phenomena, and the results will be used to subsidize / define climatology of ionospheric irregularities from high to low latitudes. The space weather conditions are function of the solar phenomena, so the other objective is the elaboration of a mathematical tool that identifies patterns of radio emission behavior that precedes the solar explosions, in order to generate a service of prediction of solar phenomena in the short and medium term. Therefore, the products generated by this project, besides contributing to the knowledge of the dynamics of the ionosphere, will also be of interest to the current technological society, as well as to national defense systems. (AU)

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Scientific publications (8)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MACHO, EDUARDO PEREZ; CORREIA, EMILIA; PAULO, CLAUDIO MACHADO; ANGULO, LADY; GOMES VIEIRA, JOSE AUGUSTO. Ionospheric response to the June 2015 geomagnetic storm in the South American region. Advances in Space Research, v. 65, n. 9, SI, p. 2172-2183, . (19/05455-2)
JOSÉ VALENTIN BAGESTON; CRISTIANO MAX WRASSE; GABRIEL AUGUSTO GIONGO; EMÍLIA CORREIA; COSME ALEXANDRE O.B. FIGUEIREDO; DELANO GOBBI; HISAO TAKAHASHI; PAULO P. BATISTA; RICARDO A.B. DA COSTA. Historical line of airglow observations at Comandante Ferraz Brazilian Station: measurements of temperature and studies on gravity waves. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 95, . (19/05455-2, 19/22548-4, 10/06608-2, 18/09066-8)
DE ABREU, A. J.; CORREIA, E.; DE JESUS, R.; VENKATESH, K.; MACHO, E. P.; ROBERTO, M.; FAGUNDES, P. R.; GENDE, M.. Statistical analysis on the ionospheric response over South American mid- and near high-latitudes during 70 intense geomagnetic storms occurred in the period of two decades. JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS, v. 245, p. 13-pg., . (16/24970-7, 19/05455-2)
MACHO, EDUARDO PEREZ; CORREIA, EMILIA; PAULO, CLAUDIO MACHADO; ANGULO, LADY; GOMES VIEIRA, JOSE AUGUSTO. Ionospheric response to the June 2015 geomagnetic storm in the South American region. Advances in Space Research, v. 65, n. 9, p. 12-pg., . (19/05455-2)
CORREIA, EMILIA; MEDEIROS RAUNHEITTE, LUIS TIAGO; BAGESTON, JOSE VALENTIN; D'AMICO, DINO ENRICO. Characterization of gravity waves in the lower ionosphere using very low frequency observations at Comandante Ferraz Brazilian Antarctic Station. Annales Geophysicae, v. 38, n. 2, p. 385-394, . (19/05455-2)
MACHO, EDUARDO P.; PAMBOUKIAN, SERGIO V. D.; CORREIA, EMILIA. Geolocal - A New System for Geo-Referencing: Analysis of Base Distribution. JOURNAL OF NAVIGATION, v. 74, n. 1, p. 175-187, . (19/05455-2)
EMILIA CORREIA; JOSÉ HENRIQUE FERNANDEZ; JOSÉ VALENTIN BAGESTON; EDUARDO P. MACHO; LUÍS TIAGO M. RAUNHEITTE. Highlights of ionospheric investigations at Comandante Ferraz Brazilian Antarctic Station. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 94, . (19/05455-2)
DE ABREU, A. J.; CORREIA, E.; DENARDINI, C. M.; DE JESUS, R.; VENKATESH, K.; ROBERTO, M.; ABALDE, J. R.; FAGUNDES, P. R.; BOLZAN, M. J. A.; GENDE, M.. Ionospheric GPS-TEC responses from equatorial region to the EIA crest in the South American sector under intense space weather conditions. JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS, v. 227, . (19/05455-2)

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