Research Grants 18/16662-6 - Políticas públicas, Serviços ambientais - BV FAPESP
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Patterns of biological diversity and coexistence human-wildlife: components that sustain ecosystem services


Our proposal focuses on the thematic area 2.1.1 (i) item a. Biodiversity: Research, inventory and characterization of the biodiversity in the region, and the impacts to which it is subject; and 2.1.1 (ii) Research for the development of models to evaluate the social perception of ecosystem services; Research for the development of models to minimize the conflict between farmers and mammal predators. The study will be carried out in the Southeastern Atlantic Forest Corridor (CSMA) and our central questions are: (1) How does biological diversity sustain ecosystem services (ESS)?; and (2) What are the costs and benefits associated with biodiversity, considering both ESS and the conflicts arising from human-wildlife interactions? Specifically, we aim to answer: (1) How is the mammalian trophic chain structured in the CSMA? (2) What are the patterns of mammal diversity from a meta-community perspective? (3) What ecological functions may have been retained or lost in the CSMA and what are the impacts on ESS in the region? (4) Is there functional connectivity (e.g. gene flow) for mammals in the corridor? (5) How does the perception of costs and benefits associated with biodiversity determine attitudes and behaviors among farmers towards wildlife and conservation? (6) How does the payment for ESS (PES) affect such perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors? (7) What are the most cost-effective strategies to: (i) mitigate conflicts; (ii) promote coexistence between farmers and wildlife; and (iii) engage local communities in the recovery and protection of ESS? We expect biodiversity patterns - i.e., high alpha and low beta - to be a proxy for generation or loss of ESS and carbon stocks. The explicit impact of the project enables us to map assemblies with reduced local diversity, unable to keep intact the functioning of ecosystems, conditioned to the rescue effect of adjacent assemblies. Low beta diversity patterns will indicate that assemblies have flow between them, and the forest continuum would serve to ensure the conservation of biodiversity and ESS. In this scenario, the potential erosion of ESS provided by mammals in the CSMA is associated with conflict and hunting, and fragmentation is not the driving force of a possible operational collapse. We hope that the incentive provided by the PES will increase tolerance towards large carnivores and herbivores and, in doing so, generate positive attitudes towards the ESS provided by the biodiversity and towards its protection. Our project will integrate interdisciplinary mammalian ecology and human dimensions of conservation, proposing a research and outreach model that will subsidize the design of public policies that aim at maintaining the ESS in the region. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MICCHI DE BARROS FERRAZ, KATIA MARIA PASCHOALETTO; MARCHINI, SILVIO; BOGONI, JULIANO A.; PAOLINO, ROBERTA MONTANHEIRO; LANDIS, MARIANA; FUSCO-COSTA, ROBERTO; MAGIOLI, MARCELO; MUNHOES, LETICIA PRADO; SARANHOLI, BRUNO H.; GOMES RIBEIRO, YURI GERALDO; et al. Best of both worlds: Combining ecological and social research to inform conservation decisions in a Neotropical biodiversity hotspot. JOURNAL FOR NATURE CONSERVATION, v. 66, p. 14-pg., . (14/09300-0, 14/10192-7, 13/24453-4, 16/19106-1, 18/16662-6, 19/21074-9, 14/01986-0)
GALETTI, MAURO; CARMIGNOTTO, ANA PAULA; PERCEQUILLO, ALEXANDRE R.; SANTOS, MARCOS C. DE O.; DE BARROS FERRAZ, KATIA MARIA P. M.; LIMA, FERNANDO; VANCINE, MAURICIO H.; MUYLAERT, RENATA L.; GONCALVES BONFIM, FERNANDO CESAR; MAGIOLI, MARCELO; et al. Mammals in Sao Paulo State: diversity, distribution, ecology, and conservation. Biota Neotropica, v. 22, p. 11-pg., . (21/10195-0, 20/12658-4, 13/19377-7, 21/08534-0, 15/21259-8, 18/16662-6, 19/20525-7, 11/22449-4, 15/17739-4, 16/19106-1, 12/04096-0, 14/10192-7, 18/50038-8, 20/01779-5, 17/23548-2, 11/20022-3, 10/52315-7, 14/01986-0, 08/03099-0, 18/14091-1, 14/09300-0, 13/50421-2)

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