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Exploring dark matter at the LHC and future colliders beyond monojet paradigm


This proposal will develop novel strategies for the exploration of DarkMatter (DM) using synergy of Theoretical High Energy Physics group atSouthampton University (UK) and Experimental High Energy Physics groupat Universities of São Paulo - UNESP and UFABC, and will transform thissynergy into an effective collaboration to study one of the mostadvanced topics in particle physics. The discovery of the Higgs bosonhas opened a new chapter on understanding the physics beyond theStandard Model (BSM) which should addressing fundamental flaws of theStandard Model including one of the main ones - Dark Matter.Determination of the nature of DM is one of the most fundamentalproblems of particle physics and cosmology. If DM is light enough andinteracts with Standard Model particles directly or via some mediatorswith a strength beyond the gravitational one, it can be probed at theLHC or future particle accelerators or in complementary direct andindirect DM searches in non-collider experiments. To decode the natureof DM we need to do our best to find the signal first using differentsignatures, however in the absence of direct DM signal at present weshould also prepare ourselves for its discovery and identification.Therefore, we propose to combine experimental expertise from Brazilianside and the theory expertise from the Southampton side to createsustainable long lasting collaboration to explore DM theories and theirnew signatures, including disappearing charged tracks and displacedvertices from long lived particles and not well- explored productionmechanisms of DM, such as vector boson fusion (VBF) process. PhDstudents and Postdoctoral researchers (PDRA) will be involved from bothsides. PhD students will receive the respective training which willallow them to perform independent research on the later stage of theproject. On the other hand, PDRA's will actively contribute to researchand training. The training will be done in the form of mini-courses onboth sites - Brazilian and UK - and will be devoted to theoretical andexperimental aspects of the proposal respectively. (AU)

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