Research Grants 19/06937-0 - Engenharia de software, Teste e avaliação de software - BV FAPESP
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Study and development of software testing techniques and their applications


This research project aims to contribute to the area of software testing by proposing new strategies, techniques and criteria to support the development of modern software products. Software development technology evolves ever faster, covering new environments, new application domains, and new architectures. With the increasing need to ensure quality in the software product, it is necessary to develop and adapt test techniques that follow this evolution. In particular, Virtual Reality systems, concurrent software, mobile robots, nonfunctional requirements and access control are themes that will be addressed in this project. In addition to the development of test techniques in these contexts, experimental studies will be carried out aiming at evaluating the new proposals in order to build a body of knowledge on evaluating testing techniques, criteria and tools. Also, teaching and training material on the approaches studied should be prepared with the purpose of transferring the new approaches produced to students and professionals of Software Engineering. Above all, the opportunity for collaboration between the teams, both specialist in the area of software testing, should produce results of extreme social and economic impact, given the importance that Computing and the development of quality software have in people's lives and in the countries' economies. (AU)

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Scientific publications (13)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
NASCIMENTO DAMASCENO, CARLOS DIEGO; MOUSAVI, MOHAMMAD REZA; SIMAO, ADENILSO DA SILVA. Learning by sampling: learning behavioral family models from software product lines. EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, v. 26, n. 1, . (19/06937-0)
ANDRADE, STEVAO A.; QUEVEDO, ALVARO JOFFRE U.; NUNES, FATIMA L. S.; DELAMARO, MARCIO E.; IEEE. Understanding VR Software Testing Needs from Stakeholders' Points of View. 2020 22ND SYMPOSIUM ON VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY (SVR 2020), v. N/A, p. 10-pg., . (17/19492-1, 19/06937-0)
SANTOS, ITALO; MELO, SILVANA MORITA; LOPES DE SOUZA, PAULO SERGIO; SOUZA, SIMONE R. S.; IEEE. Towards a unified catalog of attributes to guide industry in software testing technique selection. 2020 IEEE 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE TESTING, VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION WORKSHOPS (ICSTW), v. N/A, p. 10-pg., . (18/10183-9, 19/06937-0)
ROCHA, MAURICIO; SIMAO, ADENILSO; SOUSA, THIAGO. Model-based test case generation from UML sequence diagrams using extended finite state machines. SOFTWARE QUALITY JOURNAL, v. 29, n. 3, p. 31-pg., . (13/07375-0, 19/06937-0)
GONCALVES, VAGNER MENDONCA; DELAMARO, MARCIO E.; NUNES, FATIMA L. S.; PAIVA, AC; CONCI, A; BRAZ, G; ALMEIDA, JDS; FERNANDES, LAF. Graphical Oracles to Assess Computer-Aided Diagnosis Systems: A Case Study in Mammogram Masses and Calcifications Detection. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2020 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, SIGNALS AND IMAGE PROCESSING (IWSSIP), 27TH EDITION, v. N/A, p. 6-pg., . (10/01496-1, 19/06937-0)
DIAZ, SILVIA M. D.; SOUZA, PAULO S. L.; SOUZA, SIMONE R. S.. Structural testing for communication events into loops of message-passing parallel programs. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE, . (13/07375-0, 19/06937-0)
ROCHA, MAURICIO; SIMAO, ADENILSO; SOUSA, THIAGO. Model-based test case generation from UML sequence diagrams using extended finite state machines. SOFTWARE QUALITY JOURNAL, . (19/06937-0, 13/07375-0)
BRITO, MARIA A. S.; SOUZA, SIMONE R. S.; SOUZA, PAULO S. L.. Integration testing for robotic systems. SOFTWARE QUALITY JOURNAL, . (13/03459-4, 19/06937-0)
DELAMARO, MARCIO E.; ANDRADE, STEVAO A.; DE SOUZA, SIMONE R. S.; DE SOUZA, PAULO S. L.. Parallel Execution of Programs as a Support for Mutation Testing: A Replication Study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING, v. 31, n. 03, p. 44-pg., . (17/19492-1, 13/16242-3, 19/06937-0)
BRITO, MARIA A. S.; SOUZA, SIMONE R. S.; SOUZA, PAULO S. L.. Integration testing for robotic systems. SOFTWARE QUALITY JOURNAL, v. 30, n. 1, p. 33-pg., . (13/03459-4, 19/06937-0)
DIAZ, SILVIA M. D.; SOUZA, PAULO S. L.; SOUZA, SIMONE R. S.. Structural testing for communication events into loops of message-passing parallel programs. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE, v. 33, n. 18, SI, . (13/07375-0, 19/06937-0)
CHOMA NETO, JOAO; MORI, ALLAN; VILELA, RICARDO FERREIRA; COLANZI, THELMA E.; DE SOUZA, SIMONE R. S.; FILIPE, J; SMIALEK, M; BRODSKY, A; HAMMOUDI, S. How to Identify the Infeasible Test Requirements using Static Analyse? An Exploratory Study. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 23RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS (ICEIS 2021), VOL 1, v. N/A, p. 8-pg., . (19/06937-0, 18/25744-6)
SANTOS, ITALO; FILHO, JULIO CESAR C.; SOUZA, SIMONE R. S.; IEEE. A survey on the practices of mobile application testing. 2020 XLVI LATIN AMERICAN COMPUTING CONFERENCE (CLEI 2020), v. N/A, p. 10-pg., . (18/10183-9, 19/06937-0)

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