Research and Innovation: Training in emergency action plans
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Training in emergency action plans

Grant number: 18/01016-1
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Field of knowledge:Interdisciplinary Subjects
Principal Investigator:Cicero Cardoso Augusto
Grantee:Cicero Cardoso Augusto
Company:Geocart Geoprocessamento e Cartografia Ltda
CNAE: Atividades de apoio à educação
City: São Paulo
Pesquisadores principais:
José Roberto da Silva
Associated researchers: Araldo Gomes de Souza ; Guilherme Valente de Souza


Recent catastrophes show that our society specialized in confronting nature, according to UN data, between 1995 and 2015, Brazil was among the 10 countries with the highest number of affected, with more than 38 thousand disasters, about 51 million victims and losses of R $ 183 billion.The dangers are well known and not ignored by our legislators, there are many regulations that try to reduce them, such as the National Dam Safety Policy (PNSB - Law 12334 of 2010) and the National Policy on Protection and Civil Defense (PNPDEC - Law 12608 of 2012). The documents include the Emergency Action Plan (EAP), which establishes, for each type of emergency, the activities that must be performed to control the situations of risks and safeguard the population.The EAPs, prepared by organizations with recognized competence, are detailed documents, submitted to approval by public bodies after appreciation in different collegiates and with open expressions to the population. Its success is principally in ensuring broad dissemination and understanding of its terms to / by the general public.However, Brazil is often surprised by the extent of the damage caused by catastrophes. Eloquent examples were the landslides in the mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro, in jan / 2011, with more than one thousand deaths and 300 thousand affected; the rains in Paraná, in jun / 2014, where the opening of the floodgates of Copel's Salto Caxias hydroelectric plant caused 11 deaths and 578,220 affected; and the disruption of the Vale do Rio Doce dams in Minas Gerais in November / 2015 in Mariana, with 19 deaths, and in Jan / 2019 in Brumadinho, with countless human losses.Concessionaires Vale and Copel, alleged to have complied with the legislation, were with the documents approved and activated the agents. However, press reports relate that the majority of those affected did not receive any communication, did not know what to do and that the agents were poorly trained; without adequate equipment and were unaware of the reality of the region.In tragedies, nature and fatality were considered the only culprits. Such impunity makes the brilliant reports confined to very few specialists who theoretically will know the best way and time to act and save lives without causing panic. Disaster outcomes demonstrate the need for knowledge in the EAP to be extended to all involved.Thus, the team with this research intends to generate a deeper reflection on the issue of Risk Management from the perspective of "Education of the Vulnerable Population". An initiative that proposes that training under the EAP, can make communities more resilient and able to face tragedies.There are many difficulties to overcome because of the number and heterogeneity of the vulnerable people who are disregard. The continental dimensions of Brazil make it exposed to a great diversity of extreme events. In addition to the harsh socioeconomic reality of the country, which causes millions of Brazilians, with different levels of education, to live in dangerous areas.Modern technologies allow us to try to solve a problem of this magnitude. This research is inserted in a context of great current interest, which is the development of expert systems using techniques of Artificial Intelligence - AI, that allow to develop training programs that simulate the performance of a human teacher practicing the benefits of an individual and personalized instruction .Thus, the main objective of the research is to evaluate the impact that training initiatives using AI will have on the knowledge, behaviors and skills of all the agents involved in the EAP. As a result, a pioneering communication and training platform will be developed in order to subsidize Brazilian communities in areas of risk, in the face of any tragedy to which they are exposed. (AU)

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