Research and Innovation: Plannerbeef: simulation model for planning and managing feedlot beef cattle production
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Plannerbeef: simulation model for planning and managing feedlot beef cattle production

Grant number: 20/09685-0
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Field of knowledge:Agronomical Sciences - Animal Husbandry
Principal Investigator:Gustavo Lineu Sartorello
Grantee:Gustavo Lineu Sartorello
Company:Agroplanner Tecnologia, Planejamento e Gestão Agropecuária Ltda
CNAE: Criação de bovinos
Atividades de apoio à pecuária
Desenvolvimento de programas de computador sob encomenda
City: Pirassununga
Associated researchers:Augusto Hauber Gameiro
Associated scholarship(s):21/04990-1 - Computer modeling in Java of feedlot beef cattle production, BP.TT
21/04937-3 - Plannerbeef: simulation model for planning and managing feedlot beef cattle production, BP.PIPE


Brazilian cattle herd has grown at rates above the world average and other important cattle producers. Despite the low rate of Brazilian herd enjoyment, the slaughterhouse industry has been idle in the main production States. The exported amount of beef complex grew by almost 12% per year between 2000 and 2019. Prices paid for the kilo of meat have not improved as production costs and producers' profit margins have historically been lower. Moreover, due to globalization, the livestock market has become more dynamic and competitive and the challenges for the farmers are even greater to manage the risks. Thus, the plan and management of farming enterprises it become more relevant. Therefore, the aims of this research will be: i) to develop a hybrid and stochastic simulation model for feedlot beef cattle production; ii) to elaborate economic, financial and environmental indicators; iii) to integrate and connect the model with the internet of things to make estimates more dynamic and flexible e; iv) to publish the results of technoscientific innovations. The simulation methods - discrete events and agent-based - from Operations Research will be used to develop the model, thus, the animals will be considered as individuals and not population. AnyLogic is the software capable of integrating these methods, which uses Java as a programming language and has an object-oriented approach. A case study will be done in a feedlot and the conceptual model will be elaborated and validated. This conceptual model will be implemented in the software simulation by production module (animal feed factory, administrative office, cattle handling facility and production area). Computational experiments will be outlined, executed and verified for the projected scenarios. These results will be calibrated when confronted with those obtained by the case study property, and then the operational validation of the model will be performed. Once attended these initial premises, artificial intelligence will be used to integrate and connect the model simulation through the Internet of Things (IoT) with other software and databases, this will allow more dynamic and flexible estimates. As expected results of this first phase, the hybrid simulation model for planning and management of feedlot beef cattle production should be available at the end, being the individual, the center of the process when considering the economic, financial and environmental key indicators. In addition, to this model be integrated and connected with available software to become more useful from a practical point of view and could make predictions even more assertive. The use of these simulation methods has never been explored before in animal production, which strengthens the present proposal and enables the creation of innovative products and services. Last, but not least, to have scientific and technological innovation to be published in major international journals and events in the sector. Plannerbeef can be useful for technology-based companies, nutrition and inputs, cooperatives, slaughterhouses, banks, and farmers to plan and manage production needs. (AU)

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