Research and Innovation: Development of high-efficiency rotors for processing economically sustainable urban solid waste
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Development of high-efficiency rotors for processing economically sustainable urban solid waste

Grant number: 20/09651-8
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Field of knowledge:Interdisciplinary Subjects
Principal Investigator:Jorge Luis Mangolini Neves
Grantee:Jorge Luis Mangolini Neves
Company:Sofien Soluções Tecnológicas para Agroindústria Ltda
CNAE: Atividades de apoio à agricultura
Atividades de apoio à pecuária
Atividades relacionadas a esgoto, exceto a gestão de redes
Tratamento e disposição de resíduos não-perigosos
City: Campinas
Associated research grant(s):22/14192-8 - Operational scale validation of the SOFIEN SFN03B rotor for composting sugar-alcohol industry waste, AP.PIPE
Associated scholarship(s):21/14252-8 - Development of high-efficiency rotors for processing economically sustainable urban solid waste, BP.TT
21/12646-9 - Development of high-efficiency rotors for processing economically sustainable urban solid waste, BP.PIPE


Brazil produces from 1.0 to 1.2 kg of solid household waste per inhabitant/day, with humidity between 40 and 50% with a density of 1,000 to 1,300 kg m-³. 80% of solid household waste is food waste, resulting in a 40% organic matter product plus some chemical compounds. The management of this compound is a complex and high energy demand activity, which, when poorly executed, can compromise its environmental and health benefits. One of the current Critical System Requirements (CSR) for using waste to obtain quality products at a competitive price is the need for efficient composting equipment. In this sense, it is essential to use technology, specialized machinery and compatible with proper management, encompassing issues such as waste treatment, economic viability, environmental preservation, maintenance of public health quality, urban landscape and even job creation and income. To solve this problem, SOFIEN presents this research project, as a concept evaluation to Phase 1 PIPE program. The objective is to develop a reduced-scale rotor, applying a specific similitude law to work in Brazilian urban composting (BUC). The BCU comes from free markets and CEASA, sludge from sewage (SS) and sawdust, using numerical methods for virtual prototyping. The objective is to prove that the developed methodology is suitable for rotor design for composting. For this, the physical-mechanical properties of compounds in the initial condition must be quantified, the temporal variation of these properties and the minimum time for stabilizing the compound in ideal conditions of processing and controlled environment. Determine the input parameters and calibrate the numerical model developed using the Discrete Element Method (DEM) to simulate the compound's mechanical behavior, develop simulation scenarios, and optimize the compound's mixer rotor. Validate the mixer rotor model by performing and observing experiments. In this project, we intend to initially characterize BUC's properties and model the compound using the DEM, in which the SOFIEN team has the experience, using the software Yade ( - open source). From the simulations, the rotor that has the best operational performance and composting quality will be selected. This selected rotor will then be built on a reduced scale to carry out laboratory tests. At the end of this research, it is expected to prove this methodology's performance, for in Phase 2 to design real size rotors for different types of compounds and launch them in the national market. (AU)

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