Research Grants 21/02179-4 - Vírus de plantas, Plantas hospedeiras - BV FAPESP
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Evaluation of the diversity of molecular pathogens (virus and viroids) of plants in Brazi: Phase III - 2021/2023


In 2011, Fapesp/Biota Microrganism Program approved a proposal of the applicant on the diversity of molecular pathogens of plants in Brazil. This project (Phase I, .2011/50895-9)was a continuation of surveys of plant viruses and viroids carried out in several Brazilian regions, started in the 1970's at the beginning of the scientific activities of the proponent. The activities included a bibliographical research on the scientific publications made on plant virus and viroids found in Brazil, since the beginning of plant virology in this country, in the 1920's. This bibliographical research resulted in the publication in vol. 20, 2020, of an annotated list of viruses and viroids found infecting field plants in Brazil until 2018, published in Biota Neotropica, following the suggestion of prof. C. Joly, coordinator of the Biota Program of Fapesp. It revealed that in Brazil, a large variety of host plant species (345 species belonging to 74 families) infected by a significant number of virus species (213 recognized virus species in 57 genera, besides 92 yet to be formalized, and 6 viroid species). Possibly most of these pathogens were introduced, but several should be autochthonous. A proposal for the continuation of these works (Phase II) was approved for the period 2018/20201 (2017/118910-4). Besides the publication of the annotated list (1926/2018), and continuity of bibliographical research, the proponent proceeded with surveys of plant viruses and viroids in less prospected regions of Brazil, as the states of Acre, Amazon, Pará, Piauí. Detected viruses and viroids were identified and characterized, and in due cases, control strategies were proposed for them. In this 3rd phase (2021/2023) essentially similar activities are being proposed: continuation of literature survey and the extension of the annotated list (2019 on), besides local inspection for detection, identification and characterization of plant viruses and viroids on cultivated and spontaneous vegetation, especially in less studied regions. Part of such a survey, planned in the phase II could not be executed, because of the pandemics of covid19, which precluded trips. For such a purpose, the proponent relays on an extensive network of collaborators (universities, growers and research institutions) for local logistic support. The general coordination of the activities will be made by the applicant (E.W. Kitajima) with the collaboration of Prof. Jorge A.M. Rezende (LFN/Esalq) and Marcelo Eiras (IB). The site for the proposed works will be the Departamento de Fitopatologia e Nematologia (LFN) of ESALQ/USP in Piracicaba, SP. The total budget of the Project is estimated in ca. R$150.000 for 2 years, including technical reserve, complementary benefit, imported goods and a TT-1 scholarship. A technical scholarship (TT-1) is requested to help the bibliographic survey and the production of the pdf bank of publications. (AU)

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Scientific publications (4)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
BELLO, VINICIUS HENRIQUE; LORENZI, HARRI JOSE; MARQUES REZENDE, JORGE ALBERTO; KITAJIMA, ELLIOT WATANABE. Bean common mosaic virus and cucumber mosaic virus naturally infecting Aristolochia spp. plants in Brazil. JOURNAL OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY, v. 171, n. 1, p. 5-pg., . (21/02179-4, 18/18274-3)
VINICIUS HENRIQUE BELLO; GABRIEL MADOGLIO FAVARA; GUSTAVO VERRUMA BERNARDI; JORGE ALBERTO MARQUES REZENDE; RENATO BARBOSA SALAROLI; ELLIOT WATANABE KITAJIMA. First report of sunflower chlorotic mottle virus infecting sunflower plants in Brazil. Scientia Agricola, v. 80, . (21/02179-4, 20/05563-7, 21/03113-7, 18/18274-3, 18/01633-0)
ZERBINI, F. MURILO; KITAJIMA, ELLIOT W.. From Contagium vivum fluidum to Riboviria: A Tobacco Mosaic Virus-Centric History of Virus Taxonomy. BIOMOLECULES, v. 12, n. 10, p. 9-pg., . (21/02179-4)
FAVARA, GABRIEL MADOGLIO; DE OLIVEIRA, FELIPE FRANCO; FERRO, CAMILA GEOVANA; KRAIDE, HERON DELGADO; CARMO, EIKE YUDI NISHIMURA; BELLO, VINICIUS HENRIQUE; RIBEIRO-JUNIOR, MARCOS ROBERTO; KRAUSE-SAKATE, RENATE; KITAJIMA, ELLIOT WATANABE; REZENDE, JORGE ALBERTO MARQUES. Infection of groundnut ringspot virus in Plumeria pudica characterized by irregular virus distribution and intermittent expression of symptoms. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, v. 14, p. 12-pg., . (18/01633-0, 21/02179-4, 18/18274-3)

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