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BVOC measurements (emissions, fluxes and reactivity) during the BIOMASP+ Special Observation Period


The BIOMASP+ project (BIOgenic emissions in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo) is a bilateral project between Brazil and France. This 5-year-duration project is coordinated by Dr Adalgiza Fornaro from University of São Paulo (IAG, USP) and Dr Agnès Borbon fromUniversity of Clermont Auvergne/CNRS (LaMP). BIOMASP+ will quantify BVOC emission and concentrations and their major drivers in MASP and evaluate to what extent the interplay between biogenic and anthropogenic processes affect secondary pollutants under present and future climate conditions. The São Paulo megacity (MASP) is emblematic of these threats and processes due to the coexistence of dense anthropogenic activities, urban tropical forests, strong photochemistry. During the last two years, manyexperimental efforts have been put on the implementation of the two measuring sites bythe Brazilian groups. In particular, great efforts were dedicated to the implementation of the two flux towers at both supersites in MASP by the Brazilian team, on vegetation characterization, on the design of laboratory and field experiments and on search for additional funding for PhD and postdoc recruitment. The coming year 2023 will be a pivotal year with the set-up of the intensive field campaign of the project between March 15 and April 15 2023 for one month (Special Observation Period - SOP 3). Part of the instrumentation (essentially mass spectrometers, gas chromatographs and a Relaxed Eddy Accumulated system) will be shipped from France by different partners (LaMP, IMT Nord Europe, CEFE).A funded support for a three-month visit at IAG-USP is requested here for Dr Agnès Borbonduring the period of SOP3 for the preparation and scientific coordination of the intensivefield campaign together with Adalgiza Fornaro and the preparation of an overview paper describing the project to be submitted at Bulletin of American Meteorology Society. The main activities of Dr Agnès Borbon during her visit in 2023 are described below:BIOMASP+March 01 - 15:1/ Preparation and coordination of the intensive field campaign with Adalgiza Fornaro -2/ Finalization of the secure deposit for the upcoming data with AERIS 3/ Discussion of the overview paper with the different Brazilian partners (USP groups and Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais- SP).March 15 -April 15:1/ SOP3 field measurements and coordination (my group will be based at the Morro Grande supersite) 2/ Communication and update through the project web site3/ Production of outlook and storageApril 15 - May 31:1/ SOP3 Data treatment and elaboration of the Data Management Plan (DMP) 2/ Projectmeeting in remote mode to debrief on the intensive field campaign and plan the future work between all groups 3/ Discussion and elaboration of the first draft of the overview paper with the different Brazilian partners 4/ Seminar at IAG on the interplay between biogenic and anthropogenic emissions in urban pollution. (AU)

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