Research and Innovation: MOVCO. Vehicle solution for quality control of supplies, consumption and data transmission to a management software
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MOVCO. Vehicle solution for quality control of supplies, consumption and data transmission to a management software

Grant number: 22/13729-8
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Field of knowledge:Interdisciplinary Subjects
Agreement: SEBRAE-SP
Principal Investigator:Ângelo Massatoshi Ebesui
Grantee:Ângelo Massatoshi Ebesui
Company:T2V Indústria, Comércio e Serviços em Tecnologia Ltda. - ME
CNAE: Fabricação de aparelhos e equipamentos de medida, teste e controle
Desenvolvimento e licenciamento de programas de computador customizáveis
Atividades de monitoramento de sistemas de segurança
City: São Paulo
Associated researchers: Matheus Gomes da Rocha


T2V pays attention to the Fuel, Downstream, Stations sector, to quantity fraud in supplies, evasions and to the fact that fuel is the most important item in vehicular use, environmentally, for research and development of Movco Vehicular quality - Analysis and Diagnosis System of Fuel Quality in real time, with Data Transmission by GSM/GPRS to the Operational Management Web Software. (AU)

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