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Investigation of cluster structures in light nuclei

Grant number: 24/02463-2
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: July 01, 2024 - June 30, 2026
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Nuclear Physics
Principal Investigator:Valdir Guimarães
Grantee:Valdir Guimarães
Host Institution: Instituto de Física (IF). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers:Adriana Barioni ; Davi da Silva Monteiro ; Juan Carlos Zamora Cardona ; Marlete Pereira Meira de Assuncao ; ROBERTO LINARES


In this project, we are proposing to investigate cluster structures in light nuclei by carrying out measurements in the laboratories of the University of Notre Dame and the Cyclotron Institute of Texas A&M University, in the United States. In the experiment to be carried out at the University of Notre Dame we are interested in the spectroscopic study of the 11B, 12B, 12C and 12N nuclei at high excitation energies, using resonant scattering reactions induced by stable 10B and 11B beams and radioactive 10Be and 11C beams on proton and deuterium targets. The second experiment being proposal is related to measurements of the angular distribution for the breakup reaction for the 12N+208Pb system, deeper investigate the relation between the reaction mechanism and the projectile structure, and its dependence on the incident energy. We will also develop at IFUSP, in collaboration with UFF, a detection system with Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors (DSSSD) type detectors, which will be used in these and other measures to be proposed. (AU)

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