Research Grants 07/01347-3 - Fermentação alcoólica, Cerveja - BV FAPESP
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Black Rice IAC 600 (Oryza sativa) as a malt adjunct in high gravity pilsen brewing


The first crop of an exotic, black, variety of rice was recently established in Brazil. The variety is originally from China, it was adapted by Instituto Agronômico (IAC). This variety compared with traditional rice, showed more protein and fibers and ten times more phenolic compounds besides softness and a chestnut flavor. For its high potential of internal and external consume, black rice had been too much demanded. However, during its process 25 – 35% of grains are broken into small pieces which don’t have market value. Facing this reality and the beer consume market increasing which have Brazil just behind China, EUA, German and Russia, the use of this by-product into beer could be a successful alternative. Traditionally during brewing some adjuncts are used, such as: corn grits, high maltose corn syrup and rice. Although the biotransformation of rice occurs frequently, the utilization of this variety could bring besides innovation an aromatic beer with special characteristics due to the high phenolic compounds content. It is a differential aspect to be explored mainly by microbreweries for its facility in offering choosing opportunity to the consumer. For this reason this kind of product are very appreciated. In China as well on the electronic commerce of imported products can be found some products based on black rice as wine, vinegar, flour and even soap. The aim of this study is to use this exotic black rice as malt adjunct on Pilsen beer production at USP´s Micro brewing as well to determine its effect on fermentation, physical chemistry and sensorial properties of beer. The assays will be conducted by a complete factorial of 22 and two repetitions at the mean point. (AU)

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