Research Grants 11/18510-0 - Conservação biológica, Mudança climática - BV FAPESP
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Macroecology of anuran amphibians from Cerrado and Atlantic Forest: species distribution modelling, influence of climate changes and priority areas for conservation


Species distribution modeling (SDM) predicts the species distribution by the association among climatic variables and known occurrence records of a given species. This methodology either represents a promising alternative to generating species distribution in poorly sampled regions or for those taxonomic groups lacking specialists. Although Brazil is considered the richest country in relation to amphibians, most species remain poorly studied regarding their natural history, ecology, or even geographic distribution. To address this knowledge gap regarding the geographic distribution of amphibians in the Brazilian biomes Cerrado and Atlantic Forest, the general purpose of this project is to generate a continuously updated point occurrence database and determine the potential distribution for all possible species in these biomes. This database will make possible the development of the following three specific purposes: a) to determine the potential distribution of poorly studied, recently described, and/or threatened species, taking into account specific methodologies for species with few points of occurrence or implementing non-climatic variables in the modeling process; b) to determine the species' potential distribution under a climate change scenario, in order to identify areas with potential increased or decreased species richness in the future; and c) to use the species' potential distribution to determining priority areas for amphibian conservation in the mentioned biomes, considering different biological metrics (species richness, beta diversity, endemism, and presence of threatened species). (AU)

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Scientific publications (12)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
BRUNO S. SOUZA; BRUNA B. DELLA COLETTA; TIAGO S. VASCONCELOS. How do distribution mapping methods perform in estimating beta diversity at macroecological scales? A case study with Neotropical anurans. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 94, . (11/18510-0)
VASCONCELOS, TIAGO S.; DO NASCIMENTO, BRUNO T. M.; PRADO, VITOR H. M.. Expected impacts of climate change threaten the anuran diversity in the Brazilian hotspots. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, v. 8, n. 16, p. 7894-7906, . (12/07765-0, 13/06612-8, 11/18510-0)
VASCONCELOS, TIAGO SILVEIRA; ANTONELLI, CAIO PASTANA; NAPOLI, MARCELO FELGUEIRAS. Mutualism influences species distribution predictions for a bromeliad-breeding anuran under climate change. AUSTRAL ECOLOGY, v. 42, n. 7, p. 869-877, . (12/07765-0, 11/18510-0)
VASCONCELOS, TIAGO S.; DO NASCIMENTO, BRUNO T. M.. Potential Climate-Driven Impacts on the Distribution of Generalist Treefrogs in South America. Herpetologica, v. 72, n. 1, p. 23-31, . (12/07765-0, 13/06612-8, 11/18510-0)
VASCONCELOS, TIAGO DA SILVEIRA. Tracking climatically suitable areas for an endemic Cerrado snake under climate change. NATUREZA & CONSERVAÇÃO, v. 12, n. 1, p. 47-52, . (12/07765-0, 11/18510-0)
ODA, FABRICIO H.; AVILA, ROBSON W.; DRUMMOND, LEANDRO DE O.; SANTOS, DANUSY L.; GAMBALE, PRISCILLA G.; GUERRA, VINICIUS; VIEIRA, RAIAA ROMENIA S.; VASCONCELOS, TIAGO S.; BASTOS, ROGERIO P.; NOMURA, FAUSTO. Reptile surveys reveal high species richness in areas recovering from mining activity in the Brazilian Cerrado. BIOLOGIA, v. 72, n. 10, p. 1194-1210, . (11/18510-0)
VASCONCELOS, TIAGO S.; PRADO, VITOR H. M.. Climate change and opposing spatial conservation priorities for anuran protection in the Brazilian hotspots. JOURNAL FOR NATURE CONSERVATION, v. 49, p. 118-124, . (12/07765-0, 11/18510-0)
DELATORRE, M.; VASCONCELOS, T. S.; CUNHA, N. L.; MARTINS, I, F.; ODA, F. H.; AOKI, C.; LANDGREF-FILHO, P.. Uso de novos registros ao norte para a modelagem de distribuição de Hypsiboas caingua (Anura: Hylidae) na América do Sul. Brazilian Journal of Biology, v. 74, n. 4, p. 854-860, . (11/18510-0)
VASCONCELOS, TIAGO S.; NASCIMENTO, BRUNO T. M.. The utility of open-access biodiversity information in representing anurans in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and Cerrado. Phyllomedusa, v. 13, n. 1, p. 51-58, . (12/07765-0, 13/06612-8, 11/18510-0)
VASCONCELOS, TIAGO S.; PRADO, VITOR H. M.; DA SILVA, FERNANDO R.; HADDAD, CELIO F. B.. Biogeographic Distribution Patterns and Their Correlates in the Diverse Frog Fauna of the Atlantic Forest Hotspot. PLoS One, v. 9, n. 8, . (12/07765-0, 08/50928-1, 11/18510-0)
VASCONCELOS, TIAGO S.; DORO, JOO LUCAS P.. Assessing how habitat loss restricts the geographic range of Neotropical anurans. ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, v. 31, n. 6, p. 913-921, . (13/25145-1, 12/07765-0, 11/18510-0)
GIMENEZ, PAULA L. A.; VASCONCELOS, TIAGO S.. Macroecology of reproductive modes in the diverse anuran fauna of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Phyllomedusa, v. 21, n. 1, p. 14-pg., . (11/18510-0)

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